Watch, Listen, Read: Winternachten 2000
Arab writers coming closer
Winternachten 2000
Arabic novels are being read more and more in The Netherlands.. Winternachten brought together four Arabic writers in a conversation with Michaël Zeeman. Hanaan as-Sjaikh grew up in Lebanon and now lives in London. De Moroccan Fouad Laroui studied …
read moreFouad Laroui, Hanaan as-Sjaikh, Michaël Zeeman, Tayeb Salih
Poetry of Displacement
Winternachten 2000
Michaël Zeeman talked to Marlene van Niekerk, Gerrit Komrij and Adriaan van Dis on their choice of poems on the theme of displacement. Each of them read some poems from world literature. Dutch spoken .
read moreAdriaan van Dis, Gerrit Komrij, Marlene van Niekerk, Michaël Zeeman
Egypt, the Young Generation
Winternachten 2000
Volkskrant-correspondent Joris Luyendijk arrived in Cairo as a student and described his experiences in his book 'Een goede man slaat soms zijn vrouw'. In this programme he speaks about the young generation of Egyptians. He meets one of them, witer …
read moreJoris Luyendijk, May Telmissany, Michaël Zeeman
Dutchmen in the Arabic World
Winternachten 2000
As a press-correspondent, a traveler for life and a lawyer they ended up in the Arabic world: Joris Luyendijk, Maurits Berger and Harm Botje. Berger wandered though the Islamic empire and wrote the beautiful book 'De islam is een sinaasappel' (Islam …
read moreHarm Botje, Joris Luyendijk, Maurits Berger, Michaël Zeeman
New opportunities for Indonesia
Winternachten 2000
Writer/journalist Goenawan Mohamad, one of the most prominent freedom-activists, talked to Kees Snoek on the position of poets and writers in his country. English spoken.
read moreGoenawan Mohamad, Kees Snoek
Indonesia and East Timor: Poetry in Exile
Winternachten 2000
Abe Barreto Soares, East-Timorese resistance-poet; Hersri and Agam Wispi, Indonesian poets in exile in The Netherlands met their fellow-countrymen from Indonesia, poets Goenawan Mohamad and Sitok Srengenge. Kees Snoek was hosting the poets. The five …
read moreAbé Barreto Soares, Agam Wispi, Goenawan Mohamad, Hersri, Kees Snoek, Sitok Srengenge
Javanese Poetry from Surinam and The Netherlands
Winternachten 2000
Surinamese poet Surianto chose to write in Javanese, the language of the country of origin of his parents. He met Hersri, Javanese poet in The Netherlands. Hosted by Michiel van Kempen. Dutch/Javanese spoken.
read moreHersri, Michiel van Kempen, Surianto
The bottom side of history
Winternachten 2000
During the festival the Dutch edition was presented of Marlene van Niekerks novel Triomf, on the hilaric and sad events of a poor white family from the outskirts of Johannesburg. The festival asked Dutch writer Manon Uphoff to read this novel. …
read moreManon Uphoff, Marlene van Niekerk, Michaël Zeeman
Indonesia: Writers of Freedom
Winternachten 2000
Writer/journalist Goenawan Mohamad; Ayu Utami, a young writer who with her first bestseller novel broke sexual taboos, and Sitok Srengenge, a performing poet from Jakarta. He travelled Aceh and East Timor and reported of his experiences in his …
read moreAyu Utami, Goenawan Mohamad, Kees Snoek, Sitok Srengenge
The Uncertain Journey
Winternachten 2000
Hugo Pos (Paramaribo, 1913-2000) was nestor of Surinamese-Dutch literature. Hij made his debut as a writer when he was 71 years of age. He discussed his work and his new book 'De ongewisse tijd'. Jan Brokken lives at Curaçao and from there travels …
read moreDenis Henriquez, Hugo Pos, Jan Brokken, Michiel van Kempen
Poetry and Displacement
Winternachten 2000
Wat will happen to you when you arrive in culture that is not your own? Hafid Bouazza, Judith Herzberg, Hugo Pos and Leo Vroman read their favourite poems on the theme of cultural displacement. 84-years old Dutch poet Leo Vroman took part by a live …
read moreHafid Bouazza, Hugo Pos, Judith Herzberg, Leo Vroman, Michiel van Kempen
Changes of Identities
Winternachten 2000
Shortly before the festival the Dutch translation of Kafka's Curse by South African writer Achmat Dangor was issued in The Netherlands. It is a very enchanting and provocative novel: in order to make a carreer, a colored moslim presents himself a a …
read moreAchmat Dangor, Arthur Japin, Michaël Zeeman