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Film: Korreltjie niks is my dood

Winternacht 1 -

(Grain of nothing will kill me, 55 min., beta sp, 2001) Director: Saskia van Schaik (for VPRO television). A documentary about South African poet Ingrid Jonker. In the night of 18 to 19 July, 1965, she walked into the sea near Three Anchor Bay, Cape town. She left behind a daughter, a small but beautiful body of work, consisting of three poetry collections. Jonker's work not only had great influence on the work of generations of African poets after her, but she also conquered the hearts of many readers. Jonker was brought back into attention when Nelson Mandela reader her famous poem 'The child' during the opening of the Parliament. The documentary opens and closes with the poem, read by Mandela and by the mother of the child that died during the riots in Sharpville. The poem became a symbol for unity, reconciliation and healing for all South Africans. With an introduction from the author of the scenario Henk van Woerden (writer, painter), Gerrit Komrij (compiled an anthology of Jonker's work in cooperation with Henk van Woerden), and writer André Brink. Dutch/Afrikaans spoken.