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Winternacht 2

Theater aan het Spui & Filmhuis Den Haag
Tickets € 27,50 / Vroegboekprijs (voor 1 jan.) € 25,- / UITpas € 25,- / CJP, Studenten, Oooievaarspas € 13,75



Filmhuis - bibliotheek

Winternacht 2 offers a wide variety of literary programmes, music, film and dance in the halls and foyer of Theater aan het Spui and Filmhuis Den Haag. You can download the programme schedule (PDF) here. The evening starts with the stirring sounds of the Ghana Community Choir. In Gold Diggers we hear Arthur Japin, Annejet van der Zijl and Said el Haji about the inspiration they found in history. Adriaan van Dis talks to an Indonesian and a South African writer about forgiving or forgetting. Robert Vuijsje is a guest in Lust and Colour and in Burger King or Citizenship the subject is 'civil confidence'. 

Surinamese authors talk about their dreams for Surinam, the Big Double Play Translation Game is played with Frank Martinus Arion, very young poets perform in Who's Afraid of Youth and this year strip cartoonists like Peter Milligan and Inge Heremans are guests in the programme Comics and Taboos. 

You can watch a film, among others the moving documentary Cindy Kerseborn made about Edgar Caïro, look for a book or two in the Paagman Bookstore stand in the foyer or go to VPRO De Avonden live, where Willem Jan Otten and the other nominees of the VSB Poetry Award will be the guests.

With your ticket you're free to walk in and out of all the programmes and films.
Extra: Dinner in the theatre? From 18.30-19.30 a fancy meal for €15. Book in advance!