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What happens when the water comes?

Eva Meijer en Mounir Samuel over klimaatliteratuur

Podium B - Centrale Bibliotheek Den Haag, Spui 68, 5e etage

What happens when the water comes? What if the Netherlands really does flood? A welcome topic for climate novels, but perhaps a cliché by now. Do we still get scared by such messages? How do you write about climate change in a way that really grabs the reader's attention?

On the basis of two recently published books - Zee nu by Eva Meijer and Jona zonder walvis by Mounir Samuel - we will discuss this on Tuesday 19 April. Both authors proclaim, in their own way, the 'inconvenient truth' about the climate that just doesn't seem to get through to us. Whereas Eva Meijer wanted to write 'a book for the Netherlands' through fiction, Jona zonder walvis is a more essayistic, personal approach to the climate crisis. Both books are wonderful examples of how writers can capture the urgent reality with pen and paper.

With Eva Meijer, Mounir Samuel and Mirthe Frese (moderator). Afterwards there will be book sales and signings.

What if the water comes?
Date: Tuesday 19 April 2022
Starts: 20:30, doors open at 20:00
Tickets: €11 (regular), €8 (library card, CJP and Ooievaarspas), free admission for students, schoolchildren and We Are Public-members.
Location: Studio B, Central Library, Spui 68, The Hague.
Dutch language program.

Program compiled by Joëlle Koorneef (Writers Unlimited). Book sale by De Vries Van Stockum Books.