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My National Anthem

Theater aan het Spui
Kader Abdolah zingt zijn versie van het Wilhelmus - foto Serge Ligtenberg 2003
Kader Abdolah zingt zijn versie van het Wilhelmus - foto Serge Ligtenberg 2003

Holland is no longer the country it used to be. Are we ready for a new national anthem? Six writers and poets from The Netherlands and abroad present their personal alternative on this afternoon.

Writer/commentator Theodor Holman, Gibi Bacilio from Curaçao, writer and rap-poet Christine Otten, Kader Abdolah and the Flemish writer Geert van Istendael sang their new national anthems for our country. Michaël Zeeman talked to the writers and poets in an effort to reinvent the nation. Dutch spoken.

On this page, you can listen to the sound recordings.