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Ian Buruma's Choice

World-class author and critic discusses his favorite books

Theater aan het Spui - Zaal 1
15,- | 12,50 (Uitpas) | 7,50 (CJP, Studenten, Ooievaarspas)

Ian Buruma is without doubt one of the most well-known writers and thinkers of our time. You had the unique chance to get to know him better on the basis of his literary taste. We asked him to speak to you about his favourite fiction or non fiction - no doubt a difficult task for a writer, essayist and critic who during three decades reviewed many books for among others The New York Review of Books. Buruma chose An Area of Darkness (1984) by V.S. Naipaul; Berlin Alexanderplatz (1929) by Alfred Döblin and Naomi (1924) by Tanizaki Junichiro. In a conversation with writer and programmer Chris Keulemans, he talked about his literary choices. The audience was welcome to join in with questions.
Organised in collaboration with BOZAR.