Book Club: 'Woman' (My Struggle, Book 6) by Karl Ove Knausgård
Maria Vlaar (who takes the place of Wim Brands, who had to cancel for health reasons) engages in a conversation with the public about Woman, the final part of Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgård's My Struggle series. First, however, philosopher Stine Jensen and writer Marcel Möring offer their honest opinion in spoken reviews. In My Struggle, Knausgård (b. 1968) tackles his daily battle with life as a father, son and husband. In part one, Father, the protagonist battles his late alcoholic parent; in part two, Love, Knausgård himself becomes a father and must battle his wife, Linda, and their children. Parts three and four, Son and Night, describe how he grew up and became a teacher; and in part five, Writer, he struggles with writing, love, infidelity and jealousy. Now we have part six: in Woman, he reflects on his literary project; wonders if he should have written so openly about himself and his family; ponders literature, history and Evil; and writes about his manic-depressive wife. In Dutch
Beforehand, you can attend the English-language inteview with Karl Ove Knausgård by Stine Jensen. There is also a book-signing session with the writer at 13:45.