Bahghi in Radical Happiness - #SoulCare
'Joy' - videoclip
You gotta find joy in persistence
So let's cry, dance and sing
Enjoy the joy you bring
Unleash the wild within
On request of the Winternachten international literature festival The Hague vocalist and singer Bahghi wrote and performed 'Joy', a poetic song. The videoclip was filmed on location and produced by Guaya Studios. It premiered at the Winternachten festival in the programme #SoulCare: Radical Happiness on Sunday 17 January 2021.
#SoulCare: Radical Happiness, created by programmer Fleur Jeras, was about happiness and activism, taking its inspiration, among others, from the poem Black Joy from the collection Collective Amnesia by South-African poet and performer Koleka Putuma.
'Joy is an act of resistance' is a slogan that is gaining traction. Can happiness be a form of activism? Is there such a thing as restful resistance? And why is self-care so important? These questions constituted the foundation of the final program of the online Winternachten International Literature Festival 2021.
Bahghi (The Netherlands) is a vocalist and singer of soul, jazz and pop songs. Together with bassist Vincent Arp, she released her 2019 debut EP Sunshine's Got the Blues, featuring songs about "letting go of what you think you need to be, and trusting that everything will be fine if you stay connected to the core of life: love".