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Zsófia Bán

Zsófia Bán - foto Dirk Skiba
Zsófia Bán - foto Dirk Skiba

(Brazil, 1957) grew up in Brazil and Hungary. A writer, essayist, and critic, she made her fiction debut in 2007 with Esti iskola (Night School: A Reader for Grownups, 2019), followed by Amikor még csak az állatok éltek (When There Were Only Animals, 2012; Als nur die Tiere lebten, 2014). Her most recent volume of short stories is Lehet lélegezni! (Keep Breathing, 2019; Weiter atmen, 2020). Her fiction has been translated into languages including English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Bán is also a prolific writer of essays and reviews of literature, art and visual culture. Her essay collections include The Turul Bird and the Dinosaur (2018), Exposed Memories: Family Pictures in Private and Collective Memory (2010, a co-edited volume), Test-Packing (2008), and Amerikáner (2000). Her most recent non-fiction book is Der Sommer unseres Missvergnügens (The Summer of Our Discontent, 2019, transl. by Terézia Mora). She lives and works in Budapest, where she is associate professor in the Department of American Studies at Eötvös Loránd University.


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