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Yra van Dijk

Yra van Dijk tijdens 'Profetieën van de nieuwe generatie dichters' in Theater aan het Spui/Filmhuis Den Haag op zaterdagavond 19 januari in Winternachten 2008.  - foto Serge Ligtenberg
Yra van Dijk tijdens 'Profetieën van de nieuwe generatie dichters' in Theater aan het Spui/Filmhuis Den Haag op zaterdagavond 19 januari in Winternachten 2008.  - foto Serge Ligtenberg

(1970) is a critic who studied Dutch language and literature. She used to work for Volkskrant and nowadays reviews French literature and Dutch non-fiction for NRC Handelsblad. She publishes essays an criticism in among others De Gids, Literatuur, Parmentier, Raster and Yang. In 2005 she wrote her Ph. D. dissertation on the typographical white modern poetry, published in 2006 entitled Leegte die ademt (Breathing Emptiness). In addition to writing journalistic work she lectures contemporary Dutch literature at the University of Amsterdam.

Archive available for: Yra van Dijk

  • Winternachten 2008 – Winternachten zaterdagavond

    Prophesies of the new generation of poets

    Come and see: Seven young poets from allover the world enter the stage as modern prophets. They will conclude this Winternight prophesying with a poem assigned by the festival. What kind of future awaits us? Tamiem al-Barghuti (Palestine), Lamis Saidi (Algeria), Violetta Simatupang (Indonesia), Saskia de Jong (Netherlands), Ester Naomi Perquin (Netherlands) and Gabeba Baderoon (South Africa) read and Osama Abdulrasol and Henk de Laat will improvise on the poems on ud and bass. The poets will also read from existing work. Yra van Dijk leads the (English) programme.

  • Winternachten 2008 – Winternachten vrijdagavond

    lord horror: international poetry reading

    'At night lord horror's going out,' Lucebert prescribed to our foreign guest poets. Toghether with Dutch poet and P.C. Hooft Prize winner Eva Gerlach, Ashur Etwebi (Libya) and Tan Lioe Ie (Indonesia) read their poetry, presenting their lord horror. Listen and shiver! After the reading poetry expert and 'reader between the lines' Yra van Dijk talks to the poets about poetry and fear. Friday night 10.35 - 11.50 pm, filmhuis 7. In English.