Youssouf Amine Elalamy

(1961, Morocco) acquired fame with his novel Les Clandestins (The Clandestines; (2000), which was translated into Dutch. In this story he gives a face to the Moroccans who in a last desperate effort try to reach Europe and lose their lives. Elalamy belongs to the new crop of young writers who grew up after Moroccan independence from France. The Moroccan identity forms an important leitmotiv in his work. His collection of short stories Tqarqib Ennab (Rumours) from 2004 is the first book fully written in darija, the Moroccan dialect of Arabic. 'To show it is a real language, alive and creative,' he said about it in an interview with Trouw. Elalamy has three novels to his name, of which Les Clandestins was awarded the Grand Prix Atlas 2001. In 2004 he published a series of portraits of Moroccans in Morocco (Miniatures). Apart from being a writer Elalamy is a visual artist and a teacher of style and media at the university of Kenitra. In 2009 he made the literary installation Nomad. In Morocco sharp analyses of his literary collages have led to censorship of his visual art. His novels have been translated into Dutch, Arabic, English, Spanish and Italian.
(nov 2010)Archive available for: Youssouf Amine Elalamy
Declic: Prospects of Dialogue in Post Chaos Time
With: Abdelfettah Kilito, Andrej Koerkov, Bejan Matur, Iman Humaydan, Nelleke Noordervliet, Ngwatilo Mawiyoo, Youssouf Amine Elalamy
How were the dialogues between the antagonistic parties and ideas reconceived in the post chaotic times in the past? What are our prospects today for a post-chaotic world? How can we prepare for it intellectually?
The Promised Land
The experiences of emigrants have resulted in a lot of outstanding literature. Apparently, the shocking contrast between dream and reality is not only a painful but also a rich source of inspiration. Jean Kwok, who originally comes from China, grew up in America and now lives in the Netherlands, wrote about migrants' experiences in her book Bijna thuis (Girl in Translation). The Moroccan Youssouf El Alamy in his novel The Clandestines wrote about the illusions and disillusions of boat people who don't see their dreams come true. Hassnae Bouazza talks to the writers about the everlasting enchantment of the Promised Land. In English.
Wintercafé 3: Metamorphoses
In the programme Metamorphoses three authors read about metamorphoses with gusto. Gündüz Vassaf (Turkey) made Istanbul speak. Nury Vittachi (Hongkong) gave satirical examples of East-West metamorphoses. And the Moroccan writer Youssouf Amine Elalamy told a story in which metamorphoses are rampant.
Spot en Satire: Gesprekken, voordrachten en muziek
With: Antoine de Kom, Asli Erdogan, Celestine Raalte, Ellen Ombre, Gerrit Komrij, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Peter Snyders, Putu Wijaya, Rappa, Youssouf Amine Elalamy
19:30 Inloop Band/ DJ
20:00 Opening avond Ingrid Ameraali
20:10 welkomstwoord slotavond Ingrid Ameraali
20:20 Debat over Satire en Spot Peter Snijders, Youssouf, Gerrit Komrij, Rappa, Ellen Ombre, Asli Erdogan, Discussieleider Jerry Egger
20:40 Voordracht Putu Widjaya
20:50 Voordracht Antoine de Kom
21:00 Optreden band Glenn Texeira and band
21:20 Pauze
21:40 Voordracht Celestine Raalte
22:00 Voordracht Rappa
22:10 Voordracht Rappa
22:20 Slotwoord Rielle Mardjo: Voorzitter Lit: Fest:
22:40 Optreden band Glenn Texeira and band/ DJ/Izaline Calister
Afsluiting Avond/ Nababbel -
With: Alakondre, Antoine de Kom, Asli Erdogan, Celestine Raalte, Ellen Ombre, Gerrit Komrij, Ingrid Ameraali, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Peter Snyders, Putu Wijaya, Rappa, Youssouf Amine Elalamy
19:30 Inloop Alakondreband
20:00 Opening festival
20:10 Welkomstwoord door organisaties Stichting Literair Festival Suriname en Stichting Winternachten
20:20 Kennismaking auteurs met Publiek
20:30 Voordracht Ellen Ombre
20:40 Voordracht Peter Snijders
20:50 Voordracht Rappa
21:00 Optreden band Izaline Calister
21:20 Pauze
21:40 Voordracht Youssouf Amine Elalamy
21:50 Voordracht Antoine de Kom
22:00 Voordacht Putu Widjaya
22:10 Optreden band Izaline Calister
22:30 Optreden band Izaline Calister
Afsluiting Avond/ Nababbel DJ -
Optreden voor studenten IOL/Universiteit en scholieren VWO
With: Antoine de Kom, Asli Erdogan, Celestine Raalte, Gerrit Komrij, Ingrid Ameraali, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Peter Snyders, Putu Wijaya, Skwala, Youssouf Amine Elalamy
Aula Institute for Graduate & Research Studies (IGRS)
(Programma bestemd voor studenten IOL/Universiteit en VWO)9:30 Inloop DJ
10:00 Introductie en Welkomstwoord Kennismaking Auteurs met publiek Auteurs
10:10 Ingrid Ameerali, MC
10:20 Voordracht antoine de kom
10:30 Voordracht Asli Erdogan
10:40 Voordracht Celestine raalte
10:50 Izaline Calister
11:05 Voordracht
11:15 Voordracht Youssouf Amine Elalamy
11:25 Voordracht Celestine Raalte
11:35 Voordacht Rap band /DJ
11:45 Voordracht Jit Narain
11:55 Voordracht Putu Wijaya
12:05 Voordracht Gerrit Komrij
12:10 Q & A met Jerry Egger
12:45 Einde -
Shabandar Café - Grand Café Oriental
With: Ahmed Alaidy, Ashur Etwebi, Habib Selmi, Hassan Daoud, Hatem Bourial, Jonas Hassen Khemiri, Khaled Khalifa, Laila Aboezaid, Lamis Saidi, Tamim al-Barghouti, Youssouf Amine Elalamy
Shabandar Café is a programme by Gemak, the new centre for western and non-western art, politics and debate, of The Hague Gemeentemuseum and the Vrije Academie. With Shabandar Café Gemak links up with the Winternachten festival. Gemak is named after the famous meeting place of artists and intellectuals in Bagdad. Enjoy the most refined forms of Iraqi culture: live classical Arab Moqam music, an Iraqi storyteller and poetr, a short Iraqi documentary on Café Shabandar, tea and the tastiest Iraqi snacks.
The exhisition space of Gemak has been decorated for the occasion in that of the original café, destroyed in March 2007. Honorary guests: the Arab writers taking part in festival Winternachten. An English-Arabic language programme, compiled by the Iraqi visual artist Rashad Selim.
For more information on the programme see In English and ArabicShabandar is the name of a café on Al Mutanabi Street
where for decades Baghdad's cultural elites met
discussing books, poetry and politics
or dropping in for a coffee after visiting the book vendors' stalls
on the busy street outsideEverybody interested in books came here
to buy them in the good years
to sell them during the sanctions
to be transported by their covers
if they were pennilessOn the 5th of March 2007
one car bomb attack among many
destroyed Shabandar
and the book market outsideShabandar Café has left Baghdad
even if its walls are rebuilt
5000 years of urban culture
scattered to the four corners of the Earth