Viktor Kaisiëpo
Victor Kaisiëpo is born in 1948 in Korido, West Papua. In October 1962 the family of Victor Kaisiëpo came to live in the Netherlands as a result of the New York Agreement in August 1962 and the resistence of his father, Markus Kaisiëpo, against the Indonesian takeover. Victor Kaisiëpo continues his father's work, for the right of self-determination of his people. Since 1984 he does that on a fulltime basis. In July 2000 he was one of the speakers during the already historical Second Papua People's Conference in Jayapura where he was appointed as the representative in Europe of the Presidium Dewan Papua. He participates in various Dutch, European and international networks and conducts dialogue with various governments.
WIN 2005
Archive available for: Viktor Kaisiëpo
Papua, the stolen independance
West-Papua was promised independance once. But Mr Luns and president Soekarno thought otherwise. Dirk Vlasblom, NRC correspondent in Jakarta, has written the first extensive history of West-Papua. He tried to write as much as possible from the Papuan's point of view . The exiled Papuan headmen Viktor Kaisiëpo and Zacharias Sawor have fought for years for a West-Papuan future. A discussion - illustrated with historical film archives - chaired by journalist Paul van der Gaag.