Trompette de la Mort
Bruno Ferro Xavier da Silva and Gwen Stok have been working together under the moniker of Trompette de la Mort since 2014. Their art has a macabre but playful feeling to it, as if you're the guest of honour among cannibals, while trying to remember proper table manners. They are specialized in ink drawings (small and big) but paintings as well.
Archive available for: Trompette de la Mort
Trompette de la Mort live painting
Bruno Ferro Xavier da Silva and Gwen Stok have been working together under the moniker of Trompette de la Mort since 2014. Their art has a macabre but playful feeling to it, as if you're the guest of honour among cannibals, while trying to remember proper table manners. They are specialized in ink drawings (small and big) but paintings as well. In PAARD foyer you could watch them live painting on folding screens and you discovered special tablecloths.
Trompette de la Mort live painting
Bruno Ferro Xavier da Silva and Gwen Stok have been working together under the moniker of Trompette de la Mort since 2014. Their art has a macabre but playful feeling to it, as if you're the guest of honour among cannibals while trying to remember proper table manners. They are specialized in ink drawings (small and big) but paintings as well. In the PAARD foyer you watched them painting live on folding screens and you discovered special tablecloths.