Ton van 't Hof

published ten poetry collections, among which Aan een ster / she argued (To a star, / she argued, 2009), Een lijn is een vore (A line is a furrow, 2011) en Dingen sluiten nooit helemaal goed aan (Things never exactly fit together, 2015). He translated works by John Ashbery, Sophia Le Fraga and Charles Bernstein. He co-founded weblog De Contrabas, edited the collection Flarf (2011) and currently is also publisher at Stanza.
(WU 2017)Archive available for: Ton van 't Hof
The Secret Space - Poetry
Within De verborgen ruimte (The Secret Space), the map is newly read and drawn by nine poets. Which sounds and tones belong in it, what has not yet been said, and what is continually misunderstood? Who is on the sidelines or smack in the centre? The Secret Space could be in suburbia, in a body, in a factory farm, or in an addictions clinic. This has consequences - whoever peeks into the secret space loses a number of his or her certainties. When the map is redrawn, no one finds their way home.
The "VSB Poetry Prize on Tour" forms part of The Secret Space - among the performing poets are the authors of three volumes nominated for the VSB Poetry Prize: Kwaadgesternte (Born Under a Bad Sign) by Hannah van Binsbergen, Lichtmeters by Ruth Lasters and Koelkastlicht (Refrigerator Light) by Rodaan Al Galidi. In addition, Marieke Rijneveld, Dominique de Groen, Mira Feticu, Obe Alkema, Simone Atangana Bekono and Ton van 't Hof will read from their work. The Secret Space is organized and presented by the poet Maarten van der Graaff, winner of the C.Buddingh' Award 2014 for his debut collection Vluchtautogedichten (Getaway Car Poems). Programme in Dutch