Tan Lioe Ie

was born in 1958 in Denpasar (Bali, Indonesia). He studied architecture at Jakarta university before completing his undergraduate in economics at Udayana University. His poetry anthology Kita Bersaudara has been translated and published under the title We Are All One. His latest poetry book is Malam Cahaya Lampion. He was invited to the Tasmanian Readers' and Writers' Festival and the Literary Festival Winternachten Overseas in Surinam (2006). He was Writer in Residence in Hobart, Tasmania. He enjoyed to create music of poetry. He is active with the Sanggar Mimum Kopi (SMK) community, Bali, and the guest editor of Coast Lines magazines and editor of CAK and Paradox.
(WIN2008)Archive available for: Tan Lioe Ie
lord horror: international poetry reading
'At night lord horror's going out,' Lucebert prescribed to our foreign guest poets. Toghether with Dutch poet and P.C. Hooft Prize winner Eva Gerlach, Ashur Etwebi (Libya) and Tan Lioe Ie (Indonesia) read their poetry, presenting their lord horror. Listen and shiver! After the reading poetry expert and 'reader between the lines' Yra van Dijk talks to the poets about poetry and fear. Friday night 10.35 - 11.50 pm, filmhuis 7. In English.
Indonesia now: new and innovative poetry
Poets Violetta Simatupang and Tan Lioe Ie read from their work, the latter punctuating his lines with supple, ritual jumps. They talk to Tsead Bruinja about the role of engagement in modern Indonesian literature and about the question whether in Indonesia the same dangers and fears are experienced as in the West. During this programme the anthology The Nights of the Lampoons by Tan Lioe Ie will be presented, translated into Dutch by Linde Voûte. In English
Festival Finale Poetry Africa
With: Def P, Gibi Bacilio, Ronald Snijders, Shrinivási, Tan Lioe Ie
A festive conclusion of the festival, with performances of all poets that have participated in last week's event, a Poetry SlamJam, with Def P as co-MC, and music by Ronald Snijders and others.
Winternachten Durban
With: Def P, Gibi Bacilio, Ronald Snijders, Shrinivási, Tan Lioe Ie
The popular South-African comedian Soli Philander presents the Winternachten-programme in Durban: an evening with Mbongi Zolani, poets Gibi Bacilio, Shrinivási and Def P. and musical performances by the Dutch/Surinamese flute player Ronald Snijders and the South-African musicians Philani Ngidi (bass), Neil Gonsalves (keyboards) and Paki Peloeole (drums). Part of the programme is a discussion between the authors about poetry, performance and the difference between oral traditions and performance poetry.
Opening Night Poetry Africa
With: Def P, Gibi Bacilio, Ronald Snijders, Shrinivási, Tan Lioe Ie
The opening night of Poetry Africa - with Pallo Jordan, minister for Cultuur - is presentation of all poets participating in the festival. These include the five Winternachten-participants and Izimbongi ZaseMzansi (Botsotso Mahlaba, Jessica Mbangeni, Zolani Mkiva, Joe Ntloana, Mandisa Phandliwe), Henry Bowers, Julius Chingono, Finuala Dowling, Ewok, Perpetual Eziefule-Emenekwum, Stephen Gray, The Guests (Victor Mavedzenge and Michael Kudakwashe), Kama Sywor Kamanda, Rustum Kozain, Lexikon, Mzi Mahola, Lebogang Mashile, Oliver Mtukudzi, John Matshikiza, Sally-Ann Murray, Lefifi Tladi, Mphutlane Wa Bofelo, Eduardo White, Makhosazana Xaba, Ghassan Zaqtan, Benjamin Zephaniah, Mafika Gwala en Alhaji Papa Susso (Gambia). The Surinamese/Dutch flute player Ronald Snijders will perform with Philani Ngidi (bas), Neil Gonsalves (keyboards) and Paki Peloeole (drums).
Spier Poetry Exchange
With: Def P, Gibi Bacilio, Ronald Snijders, Shrinivási, Tan Lioe Ie
The Spier Arts Trust is one of the most important stages in the Cape region. Here the Winternachten group performs together with the South-African poets Jeremy Cronin, Joan Hambidge and Rustum Kozain, winner of this year's Ingrid Jonker prize. Also The Nigerian poet Harry Garuba will take part in this evening.
UWC Lunch Hour Poetry
With: Def P, Gibi Bacilio, Ronald Snijders, Shrinivási, Tan Lioe Ie
At the campus of the University of Western Cape, the Winternachten group performs together with Xhosa rapper Theba, one of SA best poets Jeremy Cronin (also ANC MP and deputy secretary-general of the Communist Party), Alan Boesak, and two campus poets: Diana Ferrus - together with Sipho, and Keith Gottschalk - professor in political science and a former activist.
Poetry at Mitchells Plain Library
With: Gibi Bacilio, Ronald Snijders, Shrinivási, Tan Lioe Ie
A presentation of local poets, together with the participants of the Winternachten-tour.
Poetry off the Wall
With: Tan Lioe Ie
One of the oldest poetry-groups in Cape Town presents this evening, with the Indonesian poet Tan Lioe ie as foreign guest. "An interesting mixture of bohemian and township".
Gran Gala
With: Astra Singh, Celestine Raalte, Cynthia Mc Leod, Diana Ferrus, Dominique Martin, Eddy van der Hilst, Els Beerten, Erich Zielinski, Ismene Krishnadath, Jeffrey Quartier, Manon Uphoff, Shahz, Sweet Melody, Tan Lioe Ie
Een spetterend Gran Gala in Thalia, met de feestelijke bekendmaking van de winnaars van de schrijffestijnen, de wedstrijden die in het kader van het festival werden uitgeschreven. Onder meer voordrachten van werk van overleden dichters, kabra-gedichten, een soko-psalm van Switi Melodia en voordrachten van een reeks nationale en internationale auteurs. En alle bezoekers werden uitgenodigd om mee te doen met het dictee Sranantongo, dat onder leiding van Eddy van der Hilst en Cynthia McLeod gegeven werd.
Bookselling and signsessions
With: Diana Ferrus, Erich Zielinski, Manon Uphoff, Tan Lioe Ie
In Eftee Bookshop kwamen de schrijvers bijeen om hun werk te signeren. Hiermee kreeg het publiek de kans om in een ongedwongen sfeer kennis te maken met de auteurs en een blijvende herinnering aan een favoriete auteur aan te schaffen.
Oral literature: a versatile tori-neti
With: Boike Tojo, Diana Ferrus, Elly Purperhart, Fiamba, Sapto Sopawiro, Sombra, Tan Lioe Ie, Tanuya Manichand
Traditionele vertellers uit verschillende Surinaamse bevolkingsgroepen vertelden hun verhalen, al dansend, pratend, zingend, met of zonder poppen. De Balinese dichter Tan Lioe Ie zong zijn gedichten, Diana Ferrus uit Zuid-Afrika vertelde een oud verhaal uit haar familie. Tot slot een traditioneel Javaans-Surinaams wayangspel. Een afwisselend programma dat werd gepresenteerd door woordkunstenaar Sombra.
Opening programme
With: Alphons Levens, Ashna Phoelsingh, Celestine Raalte, Diana Ferrus, Elly Purperhart, Els Beerten, Erich Zielinski, Guyz Nextdoor, Ifna Vrede, Ismene Krishnadath, Jit Narain, Manon Uphoff, Norma Bouterse, Robin Anoewarte, Roué Hupsel, Soecy Gummels, Sombra, Tan Lioe Ie, Tessa Leuwsha
De openingsavond van het internationaal literatuurfestival bestond uit korte optredens van een groot aantal schrijvers uit binnen- en buitenland. De muzikale omlijsting was van de groep Guys Next Door. Ismene Krishnadath, voorzitter van de Schrijversgroep '77, opende het festival.