Tamarah Benima
(Amsterdam, 1950) has long been affiliated with the NIW (New Israel Weekly), among other things as a correspondent in Israel. From 1986 on she worked for Momenta Publishing in London. After her return in 1989 she studied Semitic languages, but aborted these studies in order to work as editor in chief for NIW, which she was until 1999. She now writes for Trouw, Haarlems dagblad and Leidsch Dagblad. She was a commentator for the television show Middageditie. Her essays have been published by Contact under de titel Een schaap gevangen - over religie, liefde en creativiteit. (To catch a sheep. On religion, love and creativity).
WN 2001
Archive available for: Tamarah Benima
Veiled Love
Is there such a thing as middle ground when lovers come from such different worlds as the Jewish and Islamic spheres? Does love cross boundaries between culture and religion? Or does one end up in 'the wrong love story', as happens in Fouad Laroui's novel Judith and Jamal. He discussed these questions along with Tamarah Benima and Naima el Bezaz. Dutch spoken.