Stine Jensen

(Denmark, 1972) is a Danish/Dutch philosopher, literary scholar and writer. Her initial work dealt with love and evil in person-to-animal and person-to-person relationships; now she turns her gaze inside with Go East, her quest for spirituality, and Mag ik je wat vragen over lust en liefde (Can I ask you something about lust and love), a workbook to increase happiness.Turkse Vlinders (Turkish Butterflies, 2005) explored her own experience with intercultural love affairs. Leugenaars (Liars, 2006) was a philosophical inquiry into Latin lovers, crooks and other shady characters. The cultural differences between East and West formed the leitmotif of her first novel, Dokter Jazz (Doctor Jazz, 2009). For television, she made a series about philosophy and Scandinavia. Her debut children's book, Lieve Stine, weet jij het? (Dear Stine, Do You Know?) won the 2015 Silveren Griffel award.
(2015)Archive available for: Stine Jensen
In Search of the Real (Love) - Dorit Rabinyan about her novel Border Life and the film Anomalisa
Israeli writer Dorit Rabinyan wrote a contemporary Romeo and Julia: her novel Border Life tells about the impossible love between a Palestine man and an Israeli woman. Love, consciousness and identity are rarely depicted as keenly on screen as in the animation film Anomalisa. Danish-Dutch philosopher Stine Jensen will discuss Rabinyan's novel and the film with her and the audience. A screening of Anomalisa follows. Please note that the discussion and the screening can also be attended independently. In English
The Dutch on the Couch: Stine Jensen
A country sees the doctor — the Netherlands is suffering from burnout. Young and old are working themselves to pieces: placement tests of elementary schoolchildren can make or break their futures; graduates can't find work without four Masters and dozens of side activities; the retirement age keeps getting raised. We live in a continual rat race, and what at first seemed an advantage — endless possibilities compared with the past — is slowly becoming a hindrance. It's the stress of so many choices, and the idea that, since one can in theory lead a perfect life, one ought to. With Professor of psychiatry Damiaan Denys and, as patient The Netherlands, filosopher Stine Jensen. In Dutch.
Stine Jensen has taken the place of Joke Hermsen, who had to cancel because of a flue. Damiaan Denys replaces Gündüz Vassaf, who was announced in the brochure.
Book Club: 'Woman' (My Struggle, Book 6) by Karl Ove Knausgård
With: Marcel Möring, Maria Vlaar, Stine Jensen
Maria Vlaar (who takes the place of Wim Brands, who had to cancel for health reasons) engages in a conversation with the public about Woman, the final part of Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgård's My Struggle series. First, however, philosopher Stine Jensen and writer Marcel Möring offer their honest opinion in spoken reviews. In My Struggle, Knausgård (b. 1968) tackles his daily battle with life as a father, son and husband. In part one, Father, the protagonist battles his late alcoholic parent; in part two, Love, Knausgård himself becomes a father and must battle his wife, Linda, and their children. Parts three and four, Son and Night, describe how he grew up and became a teacher; and in part five, Writer, he struggles with writing, love, infidelity and jealousy. Now we have part six: in Woman, he reflects on his literary project; wonders if he should have written so openly about himself and his family; ponders literature, history and Evil; and writes about his manic-depressive wife. In Dutch
Beforehand, you can attend the English-language inteview with Karl Ove Knausgård by Stine Jensen. There is also a book-signing session with the writer at 13:45. -
In Conversation with Karl Ove Knausgård
With: Karl Ove Knausgård, Stine Jensen
Karl Ove Knausgård (Norway, 1968) is a writer, translator and literary "rock star". His autobiographical novel cycle My Struggle (2009-2011) is a worldwide hit. In six hefty parts, Knausgård tells us about his life and his relationship with parents and friends. He doesn't spare his friends and family. The series was published in Dutch as Father (2012), Love (2012), Son (2013), Night (2013), Writer (2014) and Woman (2015). Gripped by Knausgård's autobiographical confessions, many fans and critics eagerly anticipated Woman. My Struggle is a declaration of love to the phenomenal ordinariness of life, but has also been described as "the battle between a bastard and a loving person, both named Karl Ove Knausgård". Stine Jensen (who for health reasons takes over from the earlier announced Wim Brands) interviews Knausgård about memory, the explanation for his worldwide success, and the question of what in the world he can still write after My Struggle. In English
Please note: a book-signing session takes place at 13:45, prior to the event! Afterwards, you can attend the Book Club, where two panellists make short presentations about Knausgård's work and the public is invited to share its thoughts. In Dutch
The Text of my Life: Stine Jensen
In Filmhuis Studio A the festival's guest writers present their favourite literary texts and explain why a particular poem, novel excerpt, or song lyric influenced their life and work. Which memory, what feeling does this text call up for them? A continuous interview programme, in which the audience also talks with the writers. Hosted by Margot Dijkgraaf. In Dutch
Hello Brightness! In Search of Enlightenment
Philosopher Stine Jensen had lost her way in finding happiness when she discovered spirituality. In her book Go East! she dives into the world of yoga, meditation and mindfulness. She decides to become a yoga teacher, follows the teachings of an American guru, drastically changes her eating habits, and meditates daily. Does she find happiness? Does enlightenment really come from the East? Together with yoga teacher Marieke de Lange, Jensen will take us into the practice of yoga by ending with the communal chanting of a mantra.
This event replaces "The Source of Good and Evil," as author Mircea Cărtărescu had to cancel his attendance for personal reasons.
How Illusions Can Change Your Life - with Alain de Botton
Is illusion the source of happiness? This question philosopher and columnist Stine Jensen put to Alain de Botton. In his latest book The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work, launched at Winternachten, he finds happiness in work. 'Our work will at any rate have formed a perfect bubble in order to project our urge for perfection.' In his best-sellers How Proust Can Change Your Life and The Consolations of Philosophy De Botton provided clues how to enjoy life more with the aid of writers like Nietzsche, Stendhal and Proust.