
(ps. of Stanley Richard Slijngard, 1939) is a literary performer and a poet. Sombra was born in Totness, Coronie, Surinam. He is very much involved in social matters. In 1973, during the great teachers' strike, he went on hungerstrike twice, calling attention to the social misery. In 1975 Sombra also took part in the street theatre Fri Makandra. He is co-initiator of the Writers' group '77, and has been active on the board for 25 years. He published the poetry collection Tarta (1974), Dagwe (1976), Ten-Tijd (1989) and Griot (1992). Alongside this his stories have been included in Hoor die Tori (Listen to the Tori) (1990), Siroto (1993) and De Ware Tijd Literair. Sombra writes his poetry mainly in Sranan.
Archive available for: Sombra
Living together multi-coloured: the Antilles, Surinam, the Netherlands
With: Changa Hickinson, Cynthia Mc Leod, John Jansen van Galen, Mito Croes, Ruben Severina, Sombra
A debate. Creole, Hindostani or Javanese, Bakra, Makamba or Indian. How do the various population groups live together on the Antilles and in Surinam? Are there problems with integration or have the colour barriers been levelled? What is the difference with the Netherlands in comparison with these experienced multicultural societies?
The Netherlands is struggling with multiculturality. While within the kingdom for centuries there has been practice with regard to the advantages and disadvantages of multi-ethnic society. In Surinam all the feast-days are celebrated by all the population groups jointly, all the languages are respected. But do the groups live together or rather do they live at cross-purposes? How tangible is the distinction made according to cultural origin on the Antilles? Can the societies in the Netherlands, Surinam and the Antilles learn from one another? Mito Croes from Aruba introduced the discussion with a sketch of the situation on his island. Writer Cynthia McLeod and poet Sombra from Surinam, poet Changa Hickinson form Sint-Maarten and journalist John Jansen van Galen from the Netherlands entered into a discussion with him and the audience. The discussion was hosted by Ruben Severnina. Dutch spoken.
Downright performers: Surinam and St Maarten
Overwhelmingly and defiantly Changa Hickinson of St.-Maarten brings his committed, activist poetry to the stage, booming and singing about colonialism and slavery, alternating this with whispers about poverty and suppression. Just as committed is the Surinamese poet Sombra. A pure performer, who with his drily humorous diction keeps the audience captivated. English spoken.
Oral literature: a versatile tori-neti
With: Boike Tojo, Diana Ferrus, Elly Purperhart, Fiamba, Sapto Sopawiro, Sombra, Tan Lioe Ie, Tanuya Manichand
Traditionele vertellers uit verschillende Surinaamse bevolkingsgroepen vertelden hun verhalen, al dansend, pratend, zingend, met of zonder poppen. De Balinese dichter Tan Lioe Ie zong zijn gedichten, Diana Ferrus uit Zuid-Afrika vertelde een oud verhaal uit haar familie. Tot slot een traditioneel Javaans-Surinaams wayangspel. Een afwisselend programma dat werd gepresenteerd door woordkunstenaar Sombra.
Opening programme
With: Alphons Levens, Ashna Phoelsingh, Celestine Raalte, Diana Ferrus, Elly Purperhart, Els Beerten, Erich Zielinski, Guyz Nextdoor, Ifna Vrede, Ismene Krishnadath, Jit Narain, Manon Uphoff, Norma Bouterse, Robin Anoewarte, Roué Hupsel, Soecy Gummels, Sombra, Tan Lioe Ie, Tessa Leuwsha
De openingsavond van het internationaal literatuurfestival bestond uit korte optredens van een groot aantal schrijvers uit binnen- en buitenland. De muzikale omlijsting was van de groep Guys Next Door. Ismene Krishnadath, voorzitter van de Schrijversgroep '77, opende het festival.
The final evening
With: Albert Mungroo, Andy Fernandes, Annemarie Sanches, EKM Dido, Gibi Bacilio, Harvey Fräser, Jeffrey Quartier, Jit Narain, Marlène Oudsten, Marylin Simons, Mavis Noordwijk Koor, Mireille Pinas, Norine Blinker, Ronald Giphart, Roué Hupsel, Sitok Srengenge, Sombra, Terry
A festive finale of this first edition of the International Literary festival Surinam. Consisting of prose, poetry and music. Performances from the foreign guests and many Surinam authors: including well known names and promising debutants. Such as Sombra, Ronald Giphart (The Netherlands), Gibi Bacilio (Curaçao), EKM Dido (South Africa), Sitok Srengenge (Indonesia), Norine Blinker, Norma Bouterse, Andy Fernandes, Harvey Fräser, Roway James, Marlène Oudsten, Mireille Pinas, Terry and Jeffrey Quartier. Also performances by the Mavis Noordwijk choir (a combination of the Kokriki choir and the ADEK choir) and a closing song by Albert Mungroo. Presented by Annemarie Sanches.
Writers debates
With: Brigitte Brown, Cynthia Mc Leod, EKM Dido, Farah L, Gibi Bacilio, Guillaume Pool, Guyz Nextdoor, Ismene Krishnadath, Jit Narain, Ronald Giphart, Sombra, Verginia Ceder, Willie Alberga
An evening's debating, readings and music. Various topics are debated, such as: which language should the writer choose? His or her mother tongue or the language of the largest reading public? Does the writer write for a specific group of readers? What is the role of the writers own cultural background, while writing within a multi cultural society? The debating panel consists of: Jit Narain, Guillaume Pool, Arlette Codfried, Ismene Krishnadath, Cynthia McLeod, Sombra, EKM Dido (South Africa) Sitok Srengenge (Indonesia), Gibi Bacilio (Curaçao), Ronald Giphart (The Netherlands) and panel leader Willie Alberga.
Readings by Brigitte Brown and Virginia Alvarez and presented by Sombra.