Soegiman Kromopawiro

(Surinam, 1956) is a poet and prose writer. He also publishes under the name Mas Janor. He writes in Surinam-Javan, sometimes accompanied by a Dutch translation. Two poetry collections have been published (one of them Kreteg (A Bridge, 1990) and a collection of stories Wesisan (At once, 1995) published he published privately. He also writes for several magazines. Soegiman Kromopawiro lives in Hoogezand.
WN 2001
Archive available for: Soegiman Kromopawiro
Surinamese Love-Poetry from the Lowlands
Our climate doesn't stop Surinam and Antillean poets from writing poems about love. With poets John Leefmans, Raj Ramdas and Soegiman Kromopawiro. Dutch spoken.