Samira Saleh

(The Hague, 1994) has found a way to translate her feelings into Spoken Word. Her serious texts as well as her humoristic poems give a deep message to the attentive listener. She was part of the winning Team Zuid during the Slam 't Stad poetry tournament in Antwerp and performed at various projects across Belgium, among which Female Takeover in a Man's World show hosted by Navitas, the 44th Women's Day, Stand & Deliver in Ghent en Urban Woorden in Leuven. As from 2017 she is Slambassador for Belgium at the international exchange project Next Generation Speaks, and winner of the BILL-Award in the category Speaking. Behind the scenes you may find her as co-organisor of Mama's Open Mic and 't Graafste HOF! Keep an eye out for this badass upcoming poet! The revolution will not be televised, she will be heard!
(2017)Archive available for: Samira Saleh
Writing poetry in Dunglish and other languages
How can literature challenge language? Besides Mandarin and Spanish, English is the most-spoken language in the world. It is a language of power, of mass culture, of imperialism and domination, but also a language expressing solidarity, activism and understanding, in which the underpinnings of power can be attacked: a language of the majority full of minority languages.
What is the role of English in the poetry being written in the Netherlands and Belgium? Writers Unlimited put this question to seven young poets writing in English, in Dutch, in Dutch as well as English, who write multilingual poetry, who live in the Netherlands and Belgium, who were born 'here' or not.
What is the status of English in their poetry? Each has written a new poem especially for the festival: Veva Leye, Dean Bowen, Samira Saleh, Mia You en Caglar Koseoglu; also Joost Baars and Charlotte Van den Broeck, both nominated for the VSB Poetry Prize 2018, take part and react with their work. The VSB Poetry Prize 2018 will be awarded shortly after the Festival, on Thursday, 25 January, at the Diligentia Theatre in The Hague.