Rustum Kozain

was born in Paarl (South Africa) in 1966 and grew up there. He studied in the Department of English at the University of Cape Town. As PhD candidate he focused his research on selected South African poetry in English from 1970 to 1990. His poetry has appeared in journals both locally and abroad and he has also published reviews, short fiction and journalism, and the occasional literary essay. His debut volume of poetry, This Carting Life, was published in 2005. A former lecturer in English literary studies, he now works as a freelance editor. He is currently working on an anthology of poetry for high schools.
Archive available for: Rustum Kozain
Young poets - part 1
'It is our explicit wish to remain anonymous', wrote poet Alfred Schaffer in his last anthology, Schuim (Foam). Nevertheless he and five other poets from the young generation read from their work. In this first part: Alfred Schaffer, made his debut in 2001 with the anthology Zijn opkomst in de voorstad (His Rise in the Suburb). He studied and worked in Cape Town, the city of poet Rustum Kozain. Kozains debut, This Charting Life, appeared in 2005. He did research into English South African poetry from the 1970s. The first book of poetry by Vrouwkje Tuinman, entitled Vitrine (Display Case), appeared in 2004. She read from her new collection De receptie (The Reception). Poet Tsead Bruinja introduced the poets and talked to them. The conversation was in English, there was a simultaneous projection in English of the Dutch poems.
Gulliver's New Travels
'My little friend Grildrig... I cannot but conclude that the majority of your inhabitants belongs to the most damaging and the most detestable vermin that Mother nature ever allowed to walk on the face of the earth,' Jonathan Swift wrote in his famous 'travel story' Gulliver's Travels. Today only the cartoon-film version is known, but Swift wanted more than just entertain. He wanted to hold a mirror to people's faces. Nukila Amal (Indonesia), Rustum Kozain (South Africa), Atte Jongstra and Allard Schröder found new destinations for Gulliver. Together they wrote Gullivers New Travels and they brought this contemporary version to the stage in Winternachten, directed by Carel Alphenaar. English spoken.