Runa Svetlikova

(Belgium, 1982) debuted in 2014 with her poetry collection Deze zachte witte kamer (This Soft White Room), which won the Herman De Coninck debut prize and was nominated for the C. Buddingh Prize. She does regular readings and organizes small poetry festivals. For her, poetry is "a means to exercise control over what is uncontrollable, with a pen for a weapon and my magnifying glass for a shield." She writes about everything: "what I read in magazines about psychology and science, or something I saw, a man in a suit and yellow sneakers... Yet mainly it's people who inspire me: weaknesses and neuroses, beauty in ugliness: the death of my father, and the fact that my daughter's fingernails have the same shape as his did." In her book and on her website, Svetlikova pays a lot of attention to design. Not surprisingly: besides language and literature, she also studied graphic design.
(2015)Archive available for: Runa Svetlikova
Tales of the World in Theater Dakota
With: Francis Broekhuijsen, Reinier Voet, Rodaan Al Galidi, Runa Svetlikova
There's nothing more beautiful than telling one another stories. On the theme of "With the Best of Intentions," this afternoon event features tales by poets Runa Svetlikova and Rodaan al Galidi, students of the Haagse Hogeschool (The Hague High School), and the public. Do you have a five-minute story that fits the bill? Host Francis Broekhuijsen heartily invites you to join in!
Saturday Night Wintercafé: Storytelling
Listen to the most beautiful stories by students of the Hague High School and the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in the foyer of the Theatre aan het Spui. It's an encore presentation of storytelling events that took place this afternoon in the Dakota Theatre and at the ISS. Poet Runa Svetlikova assists the storytellers, and Francis Broekhuijsen hosts this part-English event.
Friday Night Wintercafé: Spot On Young Poets
Francis Broekhuijsen presents the students of the Hague Montessori Lyceum, and the Johan de Witt College who read their own poetry, the result of workshops given by members of the Hague Poetry Guild. Young poets Jeroen van Rooij and Runa Svetlikova perform alongside.
Hello, Poetry and Music
At the end of the evening, let yourself be seduced by poetry from home and abroad. Listen to young poets Jeroen van Rooij and Runa Svetlikova and meet acclaimed poets like Adonis and Michael Krüger. MC Anna Luyten also introduces three nominees of the VSB Poetry Prize: Geert van Istendael, Maud Vanhauwaert and Pieter Boskma. Varied music by Dick van der Harst and his musicians will let you dream the night away. As a special commission by the festival, he sets one of Adonis' poems to music.