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Rodaan Al Galidi

Rodaan Al Galidi - foto Serge Ligtenberg
Rodaan Al Galidi - foto Serge Ligtenberg

(Iraq, 1971) fled his country in 1998 after completing architecture studies, was given asylum in the Netherlands and settled there legally in 2007. Since then he has published poetry, novels and collections of his columns. He received the 2000 El Hizjra literature award and the 2011 Literature Prize of the European Union. In 2013 he published Liever niet, antwoordt de liefde (Maybe Not, Was Love's Reply), an anthology of refreshing love poetry. His novel Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg (Two Blankets, Three Sheets) tells of his experiences as an asylum seeker in the Netherlands. Al Galidi published the short story collection Duizend-en-een-nachtmerries (A Thousand and One Nightmares) in 2017 and a poem collection Neem de titel serieus (Take the title seriously) in 2018.

(WN 2020)

Archive available for: Rodaan Al Galidi

  • Rodaan al Galidi, Annelies Verbeke en Pierre Jarawan

    Rodaan al Galidi, Annelies Verbeke en Pierre Jarawan

    With: Annelies Verbeke, Fiep van Bodegom, Pierre Jarawan, Rodaan Al Galidi

    Three countries, three authors, three novels about immigrants finding their way in a new country. Rodaan Al Galidi is a poet and writer. Born in Iraq and trained as a civil engineer, he has lived in the Netherlands since 1998. His new book Two Blankets, Three Sheets is an inspiring tale of survival, a close-up view of the hidden world of refugees and human smugglers, and a sobering reflection of our times. Annelies Verbeke is a Belgian writer of award winning novels, short stories and plays. Her novel Thirty Days about Alphonse, a Senegales immigrant, is a deeply moving story about love, outsiders and the human need to connect. Pierre Jarawan moved to Germany with his family at the age of three. Inspired by his father's imaginative bedtime stories, he started writing at the age of thirteen. His first novel about Samir's quest for his missing father, The Storyteller, became an international bestseller. Host: Fiep van Bodegom.

    Program in cooperation with World Editions.
    Books for sale courtesy of De Vries Van Stockum Books

  • Winternachten 2019

    Winternachten Story Festival at the Dakota: Oma Greet Leet

    With: Oma Greet, Rodaan Al Galidi

    The Dakota Theatre's honorary grandmother dived into the local news and invited people behind the Hague headlines. She asked them any and all kinds of questions. This edition of her talk show in Theater Dakota had a special focus on stories, authors and books, including as special guest the writer and poet Rodaan al Galidi.

  • Winternachten 2019

    Rodaan al Galidi in the Nieuw Waldeck Library

    With: Jurgen Maas, Monir Goran, Rodaan Al Galidi

    Writer-poet Rodaan al Galidi and musician Monir Goran performed together in this musical-literary programme. Al Galidi talked about and read from his novel Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg (How I Developed a Talent for Life) and his new poetry collection Neem de titel serieus (Take the Title Seriously). Goran played some of his own compositions on the oud. Publisher Jurgen Maas provided an introduction.

  • Winternachten 2019 – Saturday Night Unlimited

    Myths as Identity Arena

    Old myths about the origins of peoples and about the roots of cultures and conflicts continue to influence us in how we relate to the other and to the here and now. Indian mythologist Arshia Sattar, Ugandan novelist Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi and writer and poet Maarten van der Graaff discussed myths as identity arena. Political scientist and writer Wytske Versteeg lead the conversation. Poet Rodaan Al Galidi concluded the programme with a recitation of his own work.

  • Winternachten 2018

    VPRO's OVT Live

    With: David Van Reybrouck, Ernst Reijseger, Jos Palm, Karwan Fatah-Black, Louise O. Fresco, Maarten van der Graaff, Madelon de Keizer, Nelleke Noordervliet, Paul van der Gaag, Rodaan Al Galidi, Wim Berkelaar

    Every Sunday morning, the topicality of history is the focus of one of the most popular radio programs in the Netherlands. Sunday morning 21 January 2018 OVT was broadcast, as usual, live from Winternachten festival in Theater aan het Spui.

    Writers from the Winternachten Festival, such as Louise O. Fresco and David Van Reybrouck, joined the live broadcast for interviews and discussion; famous musician Ernst Reijseger performed on cello. Further guests were Karwan Fatah Black, Madelon Keijzer, Nelleke Noorderliet and Wim Berkelaar. Hosts: Paul van der Gaag en Jos Palm. Program in Dutch.

  • Winternachten 2018

    World Stories in Escamp: What am I wearing?

    With: Charlotte Van den Broeck, Francis Broekhuijsen, Monir Goran, Rodaan Al Galidi

    There's nothing better than telling one another stories in these times of selfies and Snapchat! World Stories has now become a beautiful tradition at the Dakota Theatre. This time around, the focus was on what you're wearing! Tell us the story connected with your outfit.

    Three Winternachten festival guests came to the Dakota Theatre to tell their stories. Flemish poet Charlotte Van den Broeck performed twice already during the Night of Poetry in Utrecht, and her collection Nachtroer (Night Rudder) has been nominated for the VSB Poetry Award. Poet and writer Rodaan Al Galidi interpreted this theme together with oud and guitar player Monir Goran.

    And, of course, Escamp locals as well as Haagse Hogeschool students told stories about what they're wearing. Host Francis Broekhuijsen sent a warm invitation your way! A programme in Dutch - for English storytelling, join 'World Storytelling in ISS'.

  • Winternachten 2018 – Saturday Night Unlimited

    The Rage of Europe - about the innermost outsiders of Europe

    Rage is wafting around Europe. Rage in many forms and voices, but perhaps also from a common source. Led by author and cultural historian David Van Reybrouck, writers from various European cities delineate and interpret this rage from their own environments and perspectives.

    Some Europeans think that our continent is denying its origins and heading towards cultural suicide by opening itself to the culture of strangers. Others believe that Europe is mired in colonial reflexes and prejudices, and falls short in terms of welcoming new citizens. Yet others see only a Europe of interference and technocracy, bereft of passion, imagination and democratic vitality.

    Multitalented author and playwright Van Reybrouck wrote high-profile books such as Congo: A history, and essays such as "A Plea for Populism" and "Against Elections". Fatma Aydemir's debut novel Ellbogen (Elbow), about escalating violence in the U-Bahn, recently divided critics and readers in Germany. Grazyna Plebanek, originally from Warsaw, lived in Stockholm for a few years and in Brussels since 2005, where she works as a journalist and writer of short stories and novels. Until 1989, art historian, poet and essayist Magda Carneci published under a pseudonym in Bucharest; these days, she is, among others, Editor of Revista ARTA.

    As counterpoints, Rodaan Al Galidi recites some of his poems, Gerda Dendooven creates illustrations and Stefka and Amer Shanati play their music.

  • Winternachten 2017 – Friday Night Unlimited

    The Secret Space - Poetry

    Within De verborgen ruimte (The Secret Space), the map is newly read and drawn by nine poets. Which sounds and tones belong in it, what has not yet been said, and what is continually misunderstood? Who is on the sidelines or smack in the centre? The Secret Space could be in suburbia, in a body, in a factory farm, or in an addictions clinic. This has consequences - whoever peeks into the secret space loses a number of his or her certainties. When the map is redrawn, no one finds their way home.

    The "VSB Poetry Prize on Tour" forms part of The Secret Space - among the performing poets are the authors of three volumes nominated for the VSB Poetry Prize: Kwaadgesternte (Born Under a Bad Sign) by Hannah van Binsbergen, Lichtmeters by Ruth Lasters and Koelkastlicht (Refrigerator Light) by Rodaan Al Galidi. In addition, Marieke Rijneveld, Dominique de Groen, Mira Feticu, Obe Alkema, Simone Atangana Bekono and Ton van 't Hof will read from their work. The Secret Space is organized and presented by the poet Maarten van der Graaff, winner of the C.Buddingh' Award 2014 for his debut collection Vluchtautogedichten (Getaway Car Poems). Programme in Dutch

  • Winternachten 2017 – Saturday Night Unlimited

    IS: The Counter-Narrative

    The so-called Islamic State is more than a band of rebels or a terror network. Their campaign of terror in conquered villages and cities, their terrorist attacks in Europe, and their written and visual propaganda looks and sounds like a coherent horror story of "the enemy" as well as a recruitment campaign for potential international jihadists. IS publish a glossy magazine and put masses of energy into the recruitment of sympathizers among youth who are seeking identity and meaning in the virtual world. And they don't limit themselves to Muslim youth. In short, IS understands the power of the word and greatly emphasizes the imagination.

    In IS: The Counter-Narrative, Hassnae Bouazza directs the conversation about how to counteract the horror campaign and propaganda machine. Dutch-Kurdish Beri Shalmashi offers up a video essay about similar groupings, visual representation and propaganda. Frank Westerman takes us into the past and shows how we in the Netherlands have reacted to extremist acts, and how we could now choose the right words and actions to win the battle of ideas. Arnon Grunberg gets under the skin of jihadists from the West, and wonders whether their existential motivation diverges fundamentally from that of an average Western military on a mission. Rodaan Al Galidi shows us the bigger picture of the relationship between Europe and the Middle East and presents his vision of how to understand IS as a symbol of today's transnational world. He also provides the night's finale in the form of a performed poem; the musical epilogue is by Jeanine Valeriano and her Spoken Beat Night.

  • Winternachten 2017 – Saturday Night Unlimited

    The Book of My Life: Rodaan  Al Galidi

    The writer talks about her favourite book - the book that inspires or moves him; the book that formed his moral or intellectual compass; the book that he would recommend to anyone. Interviewer: Arjan Peters. In Dutch.

  • Winternachten 2016

    Writers' Fest

    With: Aad Meinderts, Adriaan van Dis, Anna Woltz, Annelies Verbeke, Dick van der Harst, Edward van de Vendel, Femke Halsema, Francis Broekhuijsen, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer, Job Cohen, Joris Wijsmuller, Lamin Kuyateh, Michael Krüger, Rodaan Al Galidi, Typhoon

    A festive event built around the presentation of the Jan Campert Prizes, the literary awards of the City of The Hague. In collaboration with the Jan Campert Foundation and the Dutch Foundation for Literature, Dutch literature is celebrated with various performances by writers, poets, and representatives of other disciplines (who honour the winners). The event is intended, in part, to highlight the state of Dutch literature. The afternoon culminates in the presentation of the Constantijn Huygens Prize for a whole body of work, which this year is awarded to Adriaan van Dis, beloved author and a great friend of the festival since day one. In Dutch

  • Winternachten 2016

    VPRO's O.V.T. Live

    With: Adriaan van Dis, Eva Vriend, Florejan Verschueren, Helmut Lotti, Inge Schilperoord, Jos Palm, Kristien Hemmerechts, Nelleke Noordervliet, Paul van der Gaag, Rodaan Al Galidi

    One of Radio 1's most popular programmes is VPRO's O.V.T. Every Sunday morning, the focus is on the contemporary significance of historic events. It's become a tradition for the producers to move to The Hague during the festival, this time broadcasting live from the cozy lobby of Theater aan het Spui. Count on appearances by festival guests Adriaan van Dis and Rodaan Al Galidi. Flemish singer Helmut Lotti will perform, and of course Nelleke Noordervliet will deliver her spoken column. The hosts are Paul van der Gaag and Jos Palm. The public is welcome and admission is free - but be sure to reserve your spot via

  • Winternachten 2016

    Tales of the World in Theater Dakota

    With: Francis Broekhuijsen, Reinier Voet, Rodaan Al Galidi, Runa Svetlikova

    There's nothing more beautiful than telling one another stories. On the theme of "With the Best of Intentions," this afternoon event features tales by poets Runa Svetlikova and Rodaan al Galidi, students of the Haagse Hogeschool (The Hague High School), and the public. Do you have a five-minute story that fits the bill? Host Francis Broekhuijsen heartily invites you to join in!

  • Winternachten 2016 – Saturday Night Unlimited

    Rodaan Al Galidi's Film Picks

    Rodaan Al Galidi, who fled Iraq, is a strikingly humorous voice in Dutch literature. He has published volumes of poetry, novels, and collections of columns, and contributes in hilarious manner to the debate about the integration exam. For the festival he's made a selection of film clips, which he'll discuss with Gerlinda Heywegen. These will include excerpts from Citizen Kane (Orson Welles), La Grande Bellezza (Sorentino), Der Untergang (Hirschbiegel) and Holy Motors (Léos Carax).

    Rodaan Al Galidi replaces Tariq Ali, who had to cancel his appearance for health reasons.

  • Winternachten 2016 – Saturday Night Unlimited

    Welcome in Holland

    Rodaan Al Galidi roamed the world without a passport until he ended up in a Dutch refugee centre. What followed was a battle with the government, the system, and institutionalized evil. Without the benefits of refugee status or an integration diploma, he built a career as a writer. A victory of man over system? Of humanity over rules? These questions form the basis of his latest book, Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg (How I Found a Talent for Life), which is presented to the public and to special guest Adriaan van Dis tonight.

  • Winternachten 2016 – Saturday Night Unlimited

    The Text of my Life: Rodaan Al Galidi

    In Filmhuis Studio A the festival's guest writers present their favourite literary texts and explain why a particular poem, novel excerpt, or song lyric influenced their life and work. Which memory, what feeling does this text call up for them? A continuous interview programme, in which the audience also talks with the writers. Hosted by Wim Brands. In Dutch

  • Winternachten 2014

    World Stories in Theater Dakota - I Did It My Way

    With: Antjie Krog, Kees Biekart, Linda Christanty, Neco Novellas, Rodaan Al Galidi

    Nothing better than telling each other stories. Stories form afar and closer to home told by students of the Institute of Social Studies and the Haagse Hogeschool, by the audience, and by foreign writers. I did it my way is the subject of the stories: about an important moment of choice in one's life.

    Students of the ISS, mostly coming from southern countries, are guided in telling their stories by drama experts of De Kosmonaut, who give them workshops in the months preceding the festival. Students of the Haagse Hogeschool write their stories together with drama teacher Martine Zeeman.

    Three writers, guests of the festival, also participate: poet Antjie Krog (South Africa), poet Rodaan Al Galidi (Iraq/the Netherlands) and writer Linda Christanty (Indonesia).The programme is bilingual: Dutch and English. The storytellers are accompanied by the music of the Mozambican singer/guitarist Neco Novellas. Do you have a five-minute story that fits in? There's no need to register. Just shout!

  • Winternachten 2014 – FRIDAY NIGHT UNLIMITED

    Call me, call me!

    'Name me, name me, speak to me, o, name me by my deepest name. For those I love, I want to be called,' Neeltje Maria Min wrote some fifty years ago in one of her most famous poems. The deep longing for love and confirmation is translated tonight in music and poetry by the poets Arie Boomsma introduces to us: the onrushing young debutante Kira Wuck, nominated for the C. Buddingh' Prize, the much-praised Alfred Schaffer, living in South Africa, the Dutch Iraqi poet Rodaan Al Galidi, who is perpetually in love and the nominees for the VSB Poetry prize Miriam Van hee and Antoinde de Kom. Interspersed with a magnificent performance by rapper/poet Typhoon. 

    Programme in cooperation with Poetry International and CPNB 

  • Winternachten 2014 – FRIDAY NIGHT UNLIMITED

    Talking to the poets: Rodaan Al Galidi and Alfred Schaffer

    Join the regulars' table. Host Francis Broekhuijsen welcomes poet Rodaan Al Galidi and Alfred Schaffer. We listen to their favourite music, and get a chance to talk to them. Don't forget to have your books of poetry signed. In Dutch.

  • Winternachten 2013

    World Stories - Wanna Know A Secret?

    With: Gregg Mwendwa, Ngwatilo Mawiyoo, Rabin Baldewsingh, Rodaan Al Galidi, Roland Colastica, Wajahat Ali

    The most beautiful stories from across the world. Citizens from The Hague will tell tell their most beautiful story, including alderman Rabin Baldewsingh and barista Barro Kessler. Foreign students at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague tell their stories to the public. Foreign writers also participate. From Pakistan, Curaçao and Iraq. Kenyan poet Ngwatilo Mawiyoo sings her poems, accompanied by Mark Tuinstra en Serigne Gueye. Her compatriot Gregg Mwendwa works for Hivos in Africa. He tells about art and culture in his region. And about the power of stories. A programme in cooperation with Theater Dakota and Hivos Cultuurfonds. In Dutch and English.

  • Winternachten 2013 – Winternacht 2 - schrijvers, muziek en film op vijf podia

    Long live poetry!

    The best poets of the year read their poetry. Those nominated for the VSB Poetry Award, Luuk Gruwez, Ester Naomi Perquin and Menno Wigman perform together with Ellen Deckwitz (C. Buddingh' Prize 2012 for the best poetic debut) and Rodaan Al Galidi (Literature prize of the European Union) open the night with cheerful poems and thoughts. A programme in cooperation with Poetry International. In Dutch.

  • Winternachten 2013 – Winternacht 1 - schrijvers, muziek en film op vijf podia

    Around the World with Umar - LOL

    Humour eases all pain. No matter how deep the sorrow, or how explosive the situation. Are writers present-day jesters and do they get away with mockery, as long as what they say ismeant in jest? Three Pakistani writers cross swords, or rather: words, on this topic. With a poetic and humorous performance by Rodaan Al Galidi and music by the Iranian percussionist Mohammad Reza Mortazawi. In English.

  • Winternachten 2013 – Winternacht 1 - schrijvers, muziek en film op vijf podia

    Who's Afraid of Youth

    Pupils from schools in The Hague present their best poems. They've had over ten hours of poety lessons behind them. After a lot of writing and deleting, expanding and cutting they now bring their very best poems. Programme in cooperation with Huis van Gedichten. In Dutch.

  • Antjie Krog Sestig

    Antjie Krog Sestig

    With: Ad Zuiderent, Adriaan van Dis, Anne Vegter, Antjie Krog, Anton Korteweg, Bas Kwakman, Christine Otten, Hester Knibbe, Ineke Holzhaus, Jan Baeke, Jan Klug, Jan van der Haar, K. Michel, Liesbeth Lagemaat, Mark Boog, Peter Swanborn, Raj Mohan, Rob Schouten, Robert Dorsman, Rodaan Al Galidi, Tom Lanoye, Tsead Bruinja

    Dutch poets honoured the South-African poet and writer Antjie Krog. She celebrated her 60th birthday in The Hague. A festive evening, where Antjie Krog presented the audience her favourite poems in Afrikaans. Writers Adriaan van Dis interviewed her on the position of the Afrikaans poet in South-Afrika. Numerous Dutch poets read their poems for Antjie.

  • Turkije 2012

    Writers Unlimited on Tour in Ankara

    With: Adriaan van Dis, Antjie Krog, Aslı E. Perker, Ayşegül Çelik, Rodaan Al Galidi

    Antjie Krog, Adriaan van Dis en Rodaan Al Galidi treden samen op met de Turkse auteur Ayşegül Çelik, met gespreksleider Aslı E. Perker.

  • Turkije 2012

    Writers On Tour in Istanbul - Remembrance of Places

    With: Adriaan van Dis, Antjie Krog, Rodaan Al Galidi, Sadık Yalsızuçanlar

    Adriaan van Dis, Antjie Krog en Rodaan Al Galidi and the Turkish author Sadik Yalsizuncanlar. Places have their own memories, they in their own right interact with the narrative and set the grounds for stories. But places are sometimes characters in fiction. In this event the authors will take on a reading and discussion about the remembrance of places and its interaction with the overall narrative structure in prose and poetry.

  • Turkije 2012

    Writers Unlimited on Tour in Istanbul - Unchartered Territories

    With: Adriaan van Dis, Antjie Krog, Gülşah Elikbank, Ömer Erdem, Rodaan Al Galidi

    Reading and discussion with Antjie Krog, Rodaan Al Galidi, Adriaan Van Dis, Ömer Erdem, Gülşah Elikbank. The authors will discuss the particularities of writing within the confines of an unfamiliar cultural and political environment. Uncharted territories of the "other"s state of mind are to be discovered in this multifaceted event where both poetry and prose will be taken on board.

  • Turkije 2012

    Writers Unlimited on Tour in Istanbul: Discussion

    With: Adriaan van Dis, Antjie Krog, Aslı E. Perker, Rodaan Al Galidi

    The three writers  on tour for Writers Unlimited read from their work and discuss the festival theme  'Fear and the city', moderated by the Turkish writer Aslı E. Perker.

  • Antillen 2012

    Krusa Laman - Villa Maria Curaçao

    With: Cathleen Giterson, David Van Reybrouck, Favell Maduro, Frank Martinus Arion, Grupo Serenada, Guineta de Palm, Helon Habila, Lucille Berry-Haseth, Merietza Haakmat, Petina Gappah, Rodaan Al Galidi

    A wonderful evening full of stories, poems and songs in a beautiful open air theatre in Curaçao, Villa Maria. Merietza Haakmat & Favell Maduro will be the MC's for the Belgian writer David van Reybrouck, the poet from Curaçao Lucille Berry-Haseth, writer Petina Gappah from Zimbabwe, the singers of Serenada, the stories by Guineta de Palm, writer Helon Habila from Nigeria, author Cathleen Giterson from Curaçao and poet Rodaan Al Galidi from The Netherlands. All authors will perform in their own language. Translations to English and Papiamentu will be projected on screen simultaneously.

  • Antillen 2012

    Literary debate in Teatro Luna Blou - Curaçao

    With: David Van Reybrouck, Helon Habila, Mario Kleinmoedig, Miriam Sluis, Petina Gappah, Rhazul and his Group, Richenel Ansano, Rodaan Al Galidi, Sheila Payne

    An evening with storytelling, writers conversations and readings. The evening opens with storyteller Sheila Payne. Then Mario Kleinmoedig will moderate to talks with writers on the theme 'The Power of Memory'. Helon Habila (Nigeria/USA) and David van Reybrouck (Belgie), author of 'Congo, A History', will meet  Miriam Sluis, who published several books on the history of the Dutch Caribean. The second talk brings  together the Curaçao poet Richenel (Muz) Ansano, the Dutch/Iraqi poet Rodaan Al Galidi and writer Petina Gappah from Zimbabwe. There is live music by Rhazul and his Group. All talks are in English.

  • Antillen 2012

    Crusa Lama - Aruba

    With: Caresse Isings, David Van Reybrouck, Dora Lauffer-Mathilda, Elisabeth Pope, Helon Habila, Jacques Thönissen, Jossy Tromp, Petina Gappah, Rodaan Al Galidi, Ryan Maduro, Sharon Rose, Victor Mathilda

    An evening with writers, poets and musicians from Aruba, with four foreign guests from Writers Unlimited. Readings of prose, poetry, storytelling and music in a beautiful surrounding, the garden of the library of Aruba.

  • Antillen 2012

    Crossing the Seas - Sint Maarten

    With: David Van Reybrouck, Gino Olivacce, Helon Habila, Marianne Tefft, Petina Gappah, Rodaan Al Galidi, Stephen Rodney

    The four authors who visit the eiland of St Martin on behalf of Writers Unlimited, will perform together with local authors and muscians Marianne Tefft, Giovanni Olivacce en Stephen "Stretch" Rodney. The morning after this performance, the writers will perform at secondary schools on the island.

  • Winternachten 2012 – Winternacht 1

    Dream Language

    'Come to me, my language, come back', Derek Walcott wrote. How does it feel to write in another language than your own? Does this new language also become the language in which you dream? Asis Aynan presents Ahmad Al Malik, Rodaan Al Galidi, Raj Mohan and Chika Unigwe, who will share their experiences. With musical accompaniment by guitarist Lourens van Haaften. In Dutch.

  • Winternachten 2012 – Winternacht 2

    Thought for the Festival

    We conclude this edition of the festival with a comforting, humorous, or fatalistic last festival thought by Rodaan Al Galidi, before we dance into the night. Rodaan Al Galidi attends the whole Writers Unlimited Winternachten festival and will share his observations with you in his own inimitable way. A nightcap for those home-bound. A boost for those diving into that winter's night. In Dutch.

  • Winternachten 2012 – Winternacht 1

    VPRO De Avonden

    In the square in front of the theatre there is De Kas. The whole evening Jeroen van Kan talks with writers at the festival for the VPRO radio programme De Avonden Live. Visitors are allowed to peek freely and listen in. In Dutch and English.

    21.17: Bernice Chauly
    21.35: Ghalia Benali
    22.05: Bejan Matur
    22.15: Rodaan Al Galidi and Chika Unigwe
    22.35: Nazmiye Oral and Kader Abdolah

  • Indonesië/Maleisië 2011

    The United Nations of Fish

    With: Abeer Soliman, Gündüz Vassaf, Maaza Mengiste, Rodaan Al Galidi

    'The United Nations of Fish, A Fundraising Dinner'. Writers read from their work during dinner, as a fundraising event for the newly opened Rumata Art Space. The evening is organised together with Janet deNeefe, director of the Bali book festival. The four writers on tour for Writers Unlimited will perform together with 'Aisha the little chef', Sese Lawing and local poets. Ticket price is Rp 200,000, to be purchased via

  • Indonesië/Maleisië 2011

    Writing in the Era of the New Media - Makassar

    With: Abeer Soliman, Gündüz Vassaf, Maaza Mengiste, Rodaan Al Galidi

    A programme with Abeer Soliman (Egypt), Tinrity The Naked Traveler (Indonesia) and others. Detailed information will follow soon.

  • Indonesië/Maleisië 2011

    Community Programme: Poet vs Politician- Makassar

    With: Abeer Soliman, Gündüz Vassaf, Maaza Mengiste, Rodaan Al Galidi

    In the opening debate of Poets VS Politicians, eight writers - both international and local -  will read from their work, and will be in a discussion. The local participants are Shinta Febriany, Hamran Sunu, Hendra GST, and Herna Aladjai. A debate in Indonesian with help of translators. How do writers see politicians? 

  • Indonesië/Maleisië 2011

    Opening Makassar International Writers Festival 2011

    With: Abeer Soliman, Gündüz Vassaf, Maaza Mengiste, Rodaan Al Galidi

    The opening night of the festival. With a short movie screening of 'Tribute to Mohammad Salim'. Salim is the translator of the classical maniscript of 'I La Galico'. The distinguished poet Sapardi Djoko Damono will perform this evening. Rodaan al Galidi will read from the classical manuscript, together with three Indonesian poems. Detailed programme will follow soon.
    Tickets: Limited seat, contact

  • Indonesië/Maleisië 2011

    Readings and music - Kuala Lumpur

    With: Abeer Soliman, Gündüz Vassaf, Maaza Mengiste, Rodaan Al Galidi

    An evening with reading and music. Eight writers will read from their work in the original language. English translations will be projected on screen simultaneously. With Gündüz Vassaf (Turkey), Maaza Mengiste (Ethiopia/USA), Abeer Soliman (Egypt) and Rodaan al Galidi (Netherlands/Iraq),  Dain Said (Malaysia), Kee Thuan Chye (Malaysia), Chua Guet Eng (Malaysia), Uthara Sankar SB (Malaysia) en Dipika Mukherjee (India). Writer Bernice Chauly is the MC. 
    Venue: 'No Black Tie', 17, Jalan Mesui, Kuala Lumpur.

  • Indonesië/Maleisië 2011

    Opening programme - Kuala Lumpur

    With: Abeer Soliman, Gündüz Vassaf, Maaza Mengiste, Rodaan Al Galidi

    The opening programma in The Annexe Gallery in Kuala Lumpur consists of readings by the authors, and a panel discussion. Part one stars at 10.3am, part two at 2.30pm. Admission is free. The four writers invited by Writers Unlimited will participate: Gündüz Vassaf (Turkey), Maaza Mengiste (Ethiopia/USA), Abeer Soliman (Egypt) and Rodaan al Galidi (Netherlands/Iraq). They will perform together with the Malaysian authors Dain Said, Kee Thuan Chye, Chua Guet Eng, Uthara Sankar SB and the Indian writer Dipika Mukherjee. The discussions are moderated by the Malaysian writers Amir Muhammad and Umpagan Ampikaipakan. Admission is free.

  • Indonesië/Maleisië 2011

    Reading at Taylor's University - Kuala Lumpur

    With: Abeer Soliman, Gündüz Vassaf, Maaza Mengiste, Rodaan Al Galidi

    The first performance in this tour is in Kuala Lumpur in the Experimental Theatre in Taylor's University. The writers will read from their work, and talk with the students and other visitors. The four writers invited by Writers Unlimited - Gündüz Vassaf (Turkey), Maaza Mengiste (Ethiopia/USA), Abeer Soliman (Egypt) and Rodaan al Galidi (Netherlands/Iraq) - will perform together with the Malaysian authors Dain Said, Kee Thuan Chye, Chua Guet Eng, Uthara Sankar SB and the Indian writer Dipika Mukherjee. All writers will read in their own language, and their texts will simultaneously be projected on screen in English translation. Admission is free.

  • Winternachten 2011 – Winternacht 1

    Wintercafe 1: Who's Afraid of Youth?

    Pupils of two secondary schools in The Hague climb the stage to read poems they wrote themselves. In the past few months they were visited by poet Rodaan al Galidi, who read poetry with them. Tonight they will perform together with al Galidi. Host: Francis Broekhuijsen. A programme in cooperation with Huis van Gedichten (House of Poems). In Dutch.

  • Winternachten 2011 – Winternacht 1

    Wintercafe 2: VPRO De Avonden Live

    Can literature help is in imagining new possibilities of becoming a better and happier 'Mensch' In VPRO's De Avonden poets, musicians and writers offer the audience a glimpse of ther own Utopia. With readings by Rodaan al Galidi and Thomas Möhlmann. The writer Iman Humaydan tells of how against the backdrop of violence, one can hold on to the belief in a better world by going deeply in people's small stories. In her narrator's performance Abeer Soliman imagines the stories of those small people. Singer songwriter Lotte van Dijck, together with Peter Akkerman, takes the audience right through performances to her own musical Utopia. Hosts: Jeroen van Kan and Catherine van Campen. Broadcast live by VPRO Radio 6. In Dutch and English.

  • Winternachten 2011 – Winternacht 2

    Happy Poetry

    Poetry makes you happy! Allow yourself to be inspired tonight and get carries along by poets and performers Kees van Kooten, Rodaan Al Galidi (Iraq) and Marjolijn Heemstra, who get happy from poetry and want to share that happiness with others. Kees van Kooten brings the poetry of Billy Collins. Rodaan Al Galidi and Marjolijn van Heemstra read their own work. Host: rhymewriter and musician Peer de Graaf (singing & percussion) with his trio Lang & Gelukkig! (With Henk Koekkoek (ukelele & sax) and Piet Maas (double bass). In Dutch.