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Riana Scheepers

Riana Scheepers | 20 september 2019 | Week van de Afrikaanse roman - foto: Leonie Scholtz
Riana Scheepers | 20 september 2019 | Week van de Afrikaanse roman - foto: Leonie Scholtz

was born in Vryheid in KwaZulu-Natal and learned to speak Zulu at a young age. Scheepers studied Afrikaans and Dutch languages at the University of die Vrystaat in Bloemfontein and, among others, was a teacher at the Zululand and Cape Town universities. In her novels and short stories, Scheepers uses themes and motives from native oral storytelling traditions. Her work has a feminist character. Her most recent novel Stormkind (2018) is a poetic and sensorial story about a farm girl who is adopted into the culture of the San, the region's native inhabitants.

(WU 2019)

Archive available for: Riana Scheepers

  • Opening Week van de Afrikaanse Roman

    Opening Week van de Afrikaanse Roman

    With: Abdelkader Benali, Deniel Barry, Eben Venter, Frazer Barry, Karin Brynard, Pieter Odendaal, Riana Scheepers, Valda Jansen

    Writers Unlimited opened Friday 20 September the fourth Week van de Afrikaanse roman (Week of the Afrikaans novel) with a festive evening about contemporary Afrikaans literature, language, arts and music. In Studio B of the Centrale Bibliotheek in The Hague we welcomed our audience to conversations with and performances by no less then seven authors and musicians from South Africa. Writer Abdelkader Benali spoke with them to cast light on several aspects of the Afrikaans literature.

    With musicians Frazer en Deniel Barry (Tribal Echo, Krotoa), journalist and writer of literary thrillers Karin Brynard (Plaasmoord, Onse vaders), poet and translator Pieter Odendaal (Asof geen berge ooit hier gewoon het nie), authors Eben Venter (Foxtrot van die vleiseters, Ek stamel, ek sterwe) and Riana Scheepers (Stormkind), and journalist, poet and writer Valda Jansen (Monitor, Hy kom met die skoenlappers)! Multi-language programme: English, Afrikaans and Dutch.

    This programme was curated by Writers Unlimited in collaboration with the Week of the Afrikaans novel. The Week's fourth edition took place from Friday 20 up to and including Sunday 29 September 2019 in The Netherlands and Flanders, promoting Afrikaans literature in Dutch translation. Find the full programme on the website of the Week van de Afrikaanse roman.

    Venue: Centrale Bibliotheek - Studio B, Spui 68 Den Haag.
    On site books sale by De Vries Van Stockum Boekverkopers.