
(Solo, Mid-Java, 1935 - Bogor 2009) was a poet, dramatist and actor. From 1964 to 1967 he lived in the United States, where he studied at the American Academy of Dramatic Art. In 1968 he founded the Bengkel Teater in Depok, which was controversial due to its singular choice of material. His unconventional behavior and critical attitude was the cause of conflict with the government. As a poet he debuted in 1957 with the collection Ballada orang-orang tercinta (Ballad of the loved people). Several other collections include Blues untuk Bonnie (Blues for Bonnie, 1961) and Sajak-sajak sepatu tua (Poems of old shoes, 1972) His work has been translated in English, German and Dutch. Rendra placed his poetry in the tradition of Indonesian oral culture and considered literature a 'performing act'.
Archive available for: Rendra
Live Anthology
With: Arahmaiani, Aya Zikken, Breyten Breytenbach, Dan Jacobson, Denis Henriquez, Frank Martinus Arion, Gerrit Komrij, Henk van Woerden, Jit Narain, Michiel van Kempen, Pim de la Parra, Rendra, Rudy Kousbroek, Soli Philander
The final programme in this festival was a 'live anthology', composed by writers reading their favourite poems and prose-fragments from the literatures of each other's cultures. In this way a colourful anthology was created from Surinamese, Indonesian, Antillian, Dutch and South-African literature.
Performing Poets and stories
The popular South-African performer Soli Philander presented the programme in the foyer, with 'performing poets' and writers from Suriname, Curaçao, South-Africa and Indonesia. The great Indonesian poet Rendra confirmed his excellent qualities as a performer. Winston Scholsberg told traditional Surinamese stories.The Antillian poet Gibi Bacilio performed with percussionist Xavier Cordoba. Jit Narain, Surinamese/Hindustani poet, read his poems in Sarnami. Poet and streetsinger Loit Sôls accompanied himself on guitar.
Reformations in Indonesia
The call for reformations in Indonesia became louder and louder. The poets' voices were also heard. The critical poet and theatre-performer Rendra introduced his younger collegue-poets. Soni Farid Mauluna, Nenden Lilis, Agus R. Sardjono and Arahmaiani read from their work, together with Rendra. They discussed their poetry and the reformation process with the Dutch newspaper Indonesia-correspondent Dirk Vlasblom and Henk Maier, professor in Malaysian and Indonesian Language and Literature at Leiden University.
Indische Winternacht 1997
With: Adriaan van Dis, Aya Zikken, Carel Alphenaar, De Nazaten van Prins Hendrik, Gamelan Ensemble Widosari, Hans Vervoort, Hella Haasse, Jill Stolk, Marion Bloem, Michaël Zeeman, Mischa de Vreede, Radhar Panca Dahana, Rayuan Samud'ra, Rendra, Sitok Srengenge, Sitor Situmorang, The Galaxy Band, Wieteke van Dort
In 1997 the second edition of the Indische Winternacht took place: a Dutch and Indonesian evening of literature, music, film and storytelling. Among the participants were: Adriaan van Dis, Wieteke van Dort, Mischa de Vreede, Jill Stolk, Hella Haasse, Aya Zikken, Marion Bloem, and from Indonesia Rendra, Sitor Situmorang, Panca Dahana and Sitok Srengenge. The writers were introduced by Carel Alphenaar and interviewed by Michaël Zeeman. With music by The Galaxy Band, Gamelan Ensemble Widosari and De Nazaten van Prins Hendrik.
Indische Winternacht 1995
With: Aart van Zoest, Anneke Grönloh, Ernst Jansz, F. Springer, Goenawan Mohamad, Hamid Jabbar, Hella Haasse, Jill Stolk, Liane van der Linden, Marion Bloem, Nelleke Noordervliet, Paula Gomes, Rayuan Samud'ra, Rendra, Sitok Srengenge, The Blue Diamonds, Toeti Heraty, Yvonne Keuls
The Indische Winternachten was the final programme in the Festival Indië/Indonesië (Festival Dutch East Indies/Indonesia). In the main autitorium of Theater aan het Spui, writers read from their work. In the foyer they were interviewed. In three venues of Cinematheek Haags Filmhuis a programme of old and new films on the Dutch East-Indies and Indonesia were presented. The music programme presented Krontjong, the Blue Diamonds, Indo-rock and a show by Anneke Grönloh. You can download the complete festival programme magazine as a pdf here.