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Rappa - foto Serge Ligtenberg
Rappa - foto Serge Ligtenberg

is the pseudonym for Robby Jonathan Parabirsing (Paramaribo, 1954). He made his debut in 1980 with Friktie Tories, a collection of humorous and socially critical stories. Others works by him are Opa Djannie en andere verhalen (Granddad Djannie and other stories), Een vlek uit het verleden (A stain from the past) (1982), Silvy en Hexa en andere verhalen (Silvy and Hexa and other stories) (1983), Fromoe Archie (1984), De Tapoe (1995), Verdwaald in het bos (Lost in the woods) (1998) and the collection Nieuwe Friktie Tories (New Friktie Tories) (1999). Rappa's publishing house Ralicon acts as an excellent sounding board for many debutants. Ralicon published amongst others the first edition of the well known book Ter dood veroordeeld (Condemned to death) by John de Bye. To stimulate reading, Rappa publishes a reader, entitled De stripbieb (Strip Library) , which contains short stories and critical, humorous and cynical sayings. In daily life Rappa is a teacher of Dutch language and literature.

(NLPVF 2002)

Archive available for: Rappa

  • Suriname 2008

    Spot en Satire: Gesprekken, voordrachten en muziek

    With: Antoine de Kom, Asli Erdogan, Celestine Raalte, Ellen Ombre, Gerrit Komrij, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Peter Snyders, Putu Wijaya, Rappa, Youssouf Amine Elalamy

    19:30 Inloop Band/ DJ
    20:00 Opening avond Ingrid Ameraali
    20:10 welkomstwoord slotavond Ingrid Ameraali
    20:20 Debat over Satire en Spot Peter Snijders, Youssouf, Gerrit Komrij, Rappa, Ellen Ombre, Asli Erdogan, Discussieleider Jerry Egger
    20:40 Voordracht Putu Widjaya
    20:50 Voordracht Antoine de Kom
    21:00 Optreden band Glenn Texeira and band
    21:20 Pauze
    21:40 Voordracht Celestine Raalte
    22:00 Voordracht Rappa
    22:10 Voordracht Rappa
    22:20 Slotwoord Rielle Mardjo: Voorzitter Lit: Fest:
    22:40 Optreden band Glenn Texeira and band/ DJ/Izaline Calister
    Afsluiting Avond/ Nababbel

  • Suriname 2008

    Spot en Satire 2

    With: Asli Erdogan, Celestine Raalte, Gerrit Komrij, Ingrid Ameraali, Jit Narain, Peter Snyders, Rappa, Skwala

    19:30 Inloop
    20:00 Opening avond
    20:10 welkomstwoord avond 2
    20:20 Voordracht Asli Erdogan
    20:30 Voordracht Celestine Raalte
    20:40 Celistine Raalte Gerrit Komrij
    20:50 Voordracht Jit Narain
    21:00 Optreden band Glenn Texeira & band
    21:20 Pauze
    21:40 Voordracht Peter Snijders
    22:00 Voordracht Rappa
    22:10 Voordracht Putu Wijaya
    22:20 Q & A Jerry Egger , discussieleider
    22:40 Optreden band Glenn Texeira & band
    Afsluiting Avond DJ

  • Suriname 2008


    With: Alakondre, Antoine de Kom, Asli Erdogan, Celestine Raalte, Ellen Ombre, Gerrit Komrij, Ingrid Ameraali, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Peter Snyders, Putu Wijaya, Rappa, Youssouf Amine Elalamy

    19:30 Inloop Alakondreband
    20:00 Opening festival
    20:10 Welkomstwoord door organisaties Stichting Literair Festival Suriname en Stichting Winternachten
    20:20 Kennismaking auteurs met Publiek
    20:30 Voordracht Ellen Ombre
    20:40 Voordracht Peter Snijders
    20:50 Voordracht Rappa
    21:00 Optreden band Izaline Calister
    21:20 Pauze
    21:40 Voordracht Youssouf Amine Elalamy
    21:50 Voordracht Antoine de Kom
    22:00 Voordacht Putu Widjaya
    22:10 Optreden band Izaline Calister
    22:30 Optreden band Izaline Calister
    Afsluiting Avond/ Nababbel DJ

  • Suriname 2006

    Panel discussion: Standards in literature

    With: Els Moor, Ismene Krishnadath, Jerry Egger, Manon Uphoff, Rappa

    Tijdens het festival bleken de schrijvers uit de verschillende landen ieder op een eigen manier de literatuur te ervaren en te waarderen. Dat leidde soms tot onbegrip, gevoelens van miskenning en het zich willen afschermen van andere werelden. Daar moest over gepraat worden en dat gebeurde ook. De panelleden Manon Uphoff, Els Moor, Rappa en Ismene Krishnadath discussieerden onder leiding van Jerry Egger over standaarden in de literatuur. Hoe beoordeel je de kwaliteit van een literair werk? En kun je het - vanuit verschillende culturen - eens worden over kwaliteitscriteria? Moet er door versterking van kritiek in het Surinaamse literaire bedrijf een hoger niveau worden nagestreefd of staat de theoretische benadering die daarvoor nodig is de uitdrukking van het gevoel in de weg? Een belangrijke discussie waaraan het publiek een waardevolle bijdrage leverde.

    Dit programma verving de eerder aangekondigde presentatie van de resultaten van een 'cross-over'-workshop van verhalenvertellers en schrijvers van korte verhalen.

  • Winternachten 2006

    The language conflict - a debate on language policy in Surinam, the Antilles and the Netherlands

    With: Drisana Deborah Jack, Frank Martinus Arion, Liesbeth Koenen, Rappa, Ronald Severing, Ruben Severina

    Papiamentu, Papiamento, Sranantongo, Sarnami, English, Dutch... The languages of the Antilles and Surinam are under pressure. What is the status of Papiamentu on Curaçao and Bonaire, of Papiamento on Aruba and English on St Martin? And what about Surinam, where Dutch is the official language, but where everybody speaks Sranantongo and the language of the largest group of inhabitants (the Hindustani) is Sarnami?

    A strong language policy is missing on the Antilles and in Surinam, and therefore Dutch remains the technical and official language. In the Netherlands the Dutch language is under pressure from the increasing amount of English words that find their way into everyday life and education. Another threat is the growing interest for regional languages. There is no strong language policy in the Netherlands. Is the status of the Dutch language stronger in Surinam and on the Antilles than in the Netherlands? The panel members will discuss this amongst themselves and with the audience. With Liesbeth Koenen (Dutch linguist), Rappa (writer and teacher of Dutch in Paramaribo), Drisana Deborah Jack (poet and artist from St Martin), Ronald Severing (director of the FPI, foundation for language planning on Curacao) and his fellow islander the writer Frank Martinus Arion. Panel chairman is Ruben Severina. Dutch spoken.

  • Winternachten 2006 – WINTERNACHT 2

    Tell me about Surinam

    In the small community of Surinam it is not easy to be critical. But nevertheless master story teller Rappa does it in a lighthearted, anecdotal way. He shares the stage with his fellow countrywoman Henna Goudzand. Her recently published novel Hele dagen in de regen (Days in the rain) describes the hypocrisy and intrigue in a remote Marron village. Before the writer could bring this story out, it was necessary to put a lot of distance between herself and the subject: only after many years and after moving to Amsterdam was she able to finish the novel. Dutch spoken.

  • Suriname 2004

    At the table together with writers

    With: Alphons Levens, EKM Dido, Gibi Bacilio, Rappa, Ronald Giphart, Sitok Srengenge, Terry, Tessa Leuwsha

    An informal get together with writers and public. Pull up a chair next to a writer and chat about his or her work and anything else that comes up. With amongst others Rappa, Alphons Levens, Tessa Leuwsha, Gibi Bacilio (Curaçao), EKM Dido (South Africa), Ronald Giphart (The netherlads) and Sitok Srengenge (Indonesia).

  • Suriname 2004

    1001 identities - opening night

    With: Arlette Codfried, Cynthia Mc Leod, Dansgroep Tandava, Denise Jannah, EKM Dido, Fafiri Brothers, Frits Wols, Gibi Bacilio, Joke van Leeuwen, Rappa, Ronald Giphart, Sitok Srengenge

    The first night of the festival in Paramaribo offers a diverse program. Writers from five countries read from their novels and poetry. Hosted and presented by Arlette Codfried they talk about their own country and how people from different cultures live together there. Denise Jannah sings poems chosen from poets that represent the five different countries participating in this ffestival, amongst others from the winner of the State literature prize Orlando Emanuels. Cynthia McLeod, Rappa, Surianto and Frits Wols perform together with their foreign colleague writers Gibi Bacilio (Curaçao), EKM Dido (South Africa), Ronald Giphart (The Netherlands), Joke van Leeuwen (The Netherlands) and Sitok Srengenge (Indonesia). The dance group Tandava dances poems from Slory and Shrinivasi. The Fafiri Brothers will provide further musical accompaniment.

  • Suriname 2004

    District commissionership Nickerie - literary evening

    With: Arlette Codfried, Cynthia Mc Leod, Denise Jannah, EKM Dido, Gibi Bacilio, Rappa, Ronald Giphart, Sitok Srengenge

    An international program with readings by writers and poets and music, presented by Arlette Codfried. The Surinam authors Cynthia McLeod and Rappa perform together with poet/performer Gibi Bacilio from Curaçao, writer EKM Dido from Capetown, the Dutch best-selling author Ronald Giphart and one of the foremost poets from Indonesia, the Javanese Sitok Srengenge. Jazz-diva Denise Jannah presents a special program of her own, consisting of poems from five countries set to her own music.