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Ramon Valle

is not a pianist who plays Latin or Cuban jazz, but a Cuban jazz pianist. His work is strictly contemporary, and although of course, he doesn't hide his Cuban roots, they never form the basis of his pieces. Since 1998, Valle lives in Europe, where he is very enthusiastically received after several tours. 'Valle is pure energy, an all encompassing whirlwind... Valle is risk, challenges the audiences with a boundless creativity, in short: Valle is jazz... Valle shows that he manages to form a niche for his own form.' In his trio Roman Valle plays with Cubans Omar Rodriguez Calvo on bass, and the talented young drummer Liber Torrientes Mirabal.
WN 2001

Archive available for: Ramon Valle

  • Winternachten 2002 – Winternacht 2

    Ramon Valle: jazz from Cuba

    Cuban jazz pianist Ramon Valle was a revelation on last year's North Sea Jazz festival. Young and more than promising, he has a parcticular sound that fits in no category. He goes from blues via latin to classical, combines the styles and uses the whole piano until styles are no longer relevant and is becomes 'just music'.