Raj Ramdas
(British Guyana, 1953) left for Surinam at an early age. In 1974 he moved to The Netherlands to study English and Comparative Literature at the Free University in Amsterdam. He works as a teacher, teaching Dutch as a second language. He writes his poems in Sarnami (Surinam-Hindustan language), but he writes his prose in Dutch. He has been published in various magazines and anthologies. In the spring of 2003 his bilingual poetry collection Kahán hai u (Where is she) appeared, published by Maya in Rotterdam.
Archive available for: Raj Ramdas
Surinam, land of my dreams
After growing up in Surinam the poets Antoine de Kom and Raj Ramdas chose a future in the Netherlands. However the Surinamese author Tessa Leuwsha - her debut novel wil appear in 2004 - grew up in the Netherlands, and chose a future in the country of her parents, Surinam. Three authors discuss the role that the Netherlands and Surinam play in their work. What are the dreams and ideals that are important for them?
Surinamese Love-Poetry from the Lowlands
Our climate doesn't stop Surinam and Antillean poets from writing poems about love. With poets John Leefmans, Raj Ramdas and Soegiman Kromopawiro. Dutch spoken.