Papa Mpho

(Garfield Young) is a leading St. Martin storyteller. As Papa Mpho, Young's dramatic performances of Caribbean folktales for schools, churches and private gatherings are thrilling. He is verse in the history of story telling in St. Martin and the African Diaspora. He regularly conducts workshops on the oral traditions from Africa and the Caribbean's traditional and modern periods. Young is a teacher on a secondary school and a business Administration instructor at University of St. Martin.
Archive available for: Papa Mpho
Crossing the Seas - Sint Maarten
With: Clark Accord, Diana Ferrus, Drisana Deborah Jack, Gerrit Komrij, Joy Reiph-Arnell, La-Vaune Henry & Mosera, Myra Römer, Papa Mpho, Putu Wijaya, Ruby Bute
A programme with literature and music from Indonesia, the Netherlands, South-Africa, Suriname, Saint Martin, Curaçao and Aruba, with MC Joy Reiph-Arnell, and musical performance by singer La-Vaune Henry, accopanied by artist and musician Mosera. Six authors travel from island to island in these weeks, for the festival Crossing the Seas. This evening they perform with their Aruban fellow-authors Papa Umpe and Ruby Bute. The Dutch former 'Dichter des Vaderlands (inoffical 'poet laureate') Gerrit Komrij will perform his poems. One of the main writers from Indonesia, Putu Wijaya, wil read one of his wonderful stories. The Dutch/Surinamese novelist Clark Accord - known through his debut-novel De Koningin van Paramaribo (The Queen of Paramaribo) - wil read from his latest novel Tussen Apoera en Oreala (Between Apoera and Oreala). Poet Diana Ferrus comes from Cape Town. She became known through her poem on Saartje Baartman, the 'Hottentot-Venus', a black South-African woman who in the 19th century was forced to travel through Europe as a kermiss-attraction. Myra Römer, born in Curaçao, now lives in The Netherlands. Early she a surprising writers' debut with Verhalen van Fita (Stories of Fita), about a girl growing up in Curaçao in the fifties. Drisana Deborah Jack is a poet from this island. All foreign authors will read in their mother tongue, while their text is simultaneously projected on a screen in English.