Özcan Akyol

(Deventer NL, 1984) is a writer, blogger, columnist and documentary filmmaker. He made his debut with the short story Zero Impact in de collection of short stories WTF?! Volwassen worden na 11 september (WTF?! Growing up after 9/11). In it 25 Dutch youngsters tell how they reacted to 9/11. Akyol relates he couldn't care less. He was busy with his friends, scooters and girls. Although he was a Muslim, he didn't feel involved. The only thing he noticed was that now and then he sort of had to justify himself as a Muslim. Meanwhile Akyol has turned agnostic. In October 2012 his debut novel was published, Eus, about a Turkish kid from the east of the Netherlands who tries to tear himself free from his fate of a background figure. His second novel Turis, in which the main character explores the supposed double life of his father, was published in 2016. His five-part documentary De neven van Eus (The nephews of Eus) was broadcast on national Dutch television in Spring 2017. With the help of his family, Akyol searches for the real Turkey.
(WU 2017)Archive available for: Özcan Akyol
Wanna Know a Secret?
Get to know a new generation of writers and listen to them reading mysterious passages from their novels. An exciting hour with Dutch stories from home and abroad. In Dutch.
Mad as Hell - part 3
Joumana Haddad and Özcan Akyol enter the stage one by one and for a couple of minutes turn off their sense of nuance, eventualities, 'perhaps this could be seen from another perspective' and other footnotes. On stage it is the belly of literature speaking. Of course they remain men and women of letters, so expect an eloquent, passionate avalanche of words. English and Dutch.