Neco Novellas

Singer/songwriter Neco grew up in Mozambique, in a family in which five out of ten children became musicians. He left for Portugal, studied classical guitar and singing, and then went to study at Codarts in Rotterdam. He travelled through Europe in order to perform, now and then accompanied by his brothers and sisters. From 2004 Neco Novellas became a real band of bothers and sisters. The catchy music has influences of South African choral music, reggae and rock, jazz and classical music, and the chopi music from the motherland.
(WU 2014 GR)Archive available for: Neco Novellas
With: Ad van Liempt, Ian Buruma, Jacques Janssen, Jos Palm, Neco Novellas, Nelleke Noordervliet, Paul van der Gaag
One of the best listened-to programmes on Radio 1 is VPRO's OVT (Simple Past Tense). Every Sunday morning the topicality of history takes centre stage. It has become something of a tradition for the programme to be broadcast live from the festival and therefore it relocates to The Hague. This time to be broadcast live for an audience, from the warm foyer of Theater aan het Spui.
Paul van der Gaag and Jos Palm are the hosts and there is live music by Neco Novellas. Ian Buruma, Jacques Janssen and Nelleke Noordervliet are guests, among others. Music by Neco Novellas. Members of the public are invited to come and both admission and coffee are free. But please, don't forget to book through the link at the top of this page.
World Stories in Theater Dakota - I Did It My Way
With: Antjie Krog, Kees Biekart, Linda Christanty, Neco Novellas, Rodaan Al Galidi
Nothing better than telling each other stories. Stories form afar and closer to home told by students of the Institute of Social Studies and the Haagse Hogeschool, by the audience, and by foreign writers. I did it my way is the subject of the stories: about an important moment of choice in one's life.
Students of the ISS, mostly coming from southern countries, are guided in telling their stories by drama experts of De Kosmonaut, who give them workshops in the months preceding the festival. Students of the Haagse Hogeschool write their stories together with drama teacher Martine Zeeman.
Three writers, guests of the festival, also participate: poet Antjie Krog (South Africa), poet Rodaan Al Galidi (Iraq/the Netherlands) and writer Linda Christanty (Indonesia).The programme is bilingual: Dutch and English. The storytellers are accompanied by the music of the Mozambican singer/guitarist Neco Novellas. Do you have a five-minute story that fits in? There's no need to register. Just shout!