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Monica Clarinda

Monica Clarinda
Monica Clarinda

(Curaçao, 1961) grew up on Bonaire. Studied to be a teacher in health sciences in Rotterdam and has lived on Bonaire since 1994. Her first children's book, Nona ta Konta (Nona Tells a Story) appeared in 2000. In 2002 and 2006 two more books were published in the series. In her work she tells about the history and culture of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. With these she aims at teaching and informing children and adults about the history and culture of the islands.

Archive available for: Monica Clarinda

  • Antillen/Aruba 2007

    Krusa Laman - Bonaire

    With: Annie Francees, Frans Booi, Gabeba Baderoon, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Monica Clarinda, Nukila Amal, Ramsey Nasr, Roland Colastica

    An evening with storytelling, music and poetry by Gabeba Baderoon from South Africa, Ramsey Nasr from The Netherlands, Jit Narain from Suriname and Nukila Amal from Indonesia. Authors Frans booi, Monica Clarinda and Annie Francis from Bonaire will read from their work. The Curaçao/Dutch singer Izaline Calister sings stories put to music from Curaçao and The Netherlands. She will be accompanied by the percussionist Pernell Luciano Saturnino from Curaçao and the Dutch guitarist Edvard Verhoef. Actor and writer Roland Colastica from Curaçao is the MC of this multifacetted literary evening.