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Miriam Sluis

Miriam Sluis - foto Peter Boer
Miriam Sluis - foto Peter Boer

(1967) was born in The Netherlands. In 2008 she published Zoutrif, a hybrid literary work detailing Curacao's past and present while focusing on the history of one colonial plantation: Rif St. Marie. In addition to archival research for this work, Sluis traced and interviewed Curaçaoans whose roots go back to this plantation. She highlights, among others, villagers, a baker, a consultant and a former prime-minister. Sluis has been active in the Caribbean region as a journalist since 1997, including foreign correspondence positions for Dutch media outlets, such as NOS News and NRC/Handelsblad. In 2004 she made her debut with De Antillen bestaan niet (The Antilles don't exist) and in 2010, one month after the official dismantling of the Netherlands Antilles, she published Een koloniale speeltuin (A Colonial Playground). Sluis studied Media & Colonialism at UC Berkeley and lives and works in Curaçao.

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