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Mesut Balik

Mesut Balik tijdens Winternachten 2005 - foto Serge Ligtenberg 2005
Mesut Balik tijdens Winternachten 2005 - foto Serge Ligtenberg 2005

(Haarlem, 1972) went to Turkey at the age of seven. After completing elementary and secondary school he studied architecture at the METU (Middel East Technical University in Ankara). After his studies he returned to the Netherlands. At present he works for an architecture and engineering office in Haarlem. During his stay in Turkey he occasionally wrote lovepoems. Back in the Netherlands he started to write short stories. A few of his stories have been published in Turkish magazines. In 2002 at the Turkish-Netherlands Troya Poetry Festival he was awarded the incentive prize for short stories.

Archive available for: Mesut Balik

  • Winternachten 2005 – WINTERNACHT 1

    Turkey - the Netherlands - live on VPRO radio De Avonden

    How does a mixed or shared identity influence authorship? How does the Turkish culture openly reveal itself in Europe? Panel chairman Wim Brands will put these and other questions to three Turkish-Dutch writers: the newcomer Mesut Balik, thriller writer Sadik Yemni and writer Sevtap Baycili. Discussion and recitation from Turkish Netherland in a live radio broadcast from VPRO's De Avonden.
    Dutch spoken