Marlene van Niekerk
(Caledon, South-Africa, 1954) studied Philosophy and Comparative Literature. For her novel Triumph she was awarded several prestigious prizes, among which, in 1995, the Noma Prize for the best book to appear on the African continent.
Archive available for: Marlene van Niekerk
Poetry of Displacement
Michaël Zeeman talked to Marlene van Niekerk, Gerrit Komrij and Adriaan van Dis on their choice of poems on the theme of displacement. Each of them read some poems from world literature. Dutch spoken .
The bottom side of history
During the festival the Dutch edition was presented of Marlene van Niekerks novel Triomf, on the hilaric and sad events of a poor white family from the outskirts of Johannesburg. The festival asked Dutch writer Manon Uphoff to read this novel. Marlene van Niekerk read Uphoffs work. Host Michaël Zeeman led the discussion on the similarities between the work of these two novelists. Afrikaans/Dutch spoken.