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Marja Brouwers

Marja Brouwers - foto Eddy Posthuma
Marja Brouwers - foto Eddy Posthuma

(Bergen op Zoom, 1948) is a Dutch prose writer. In 1984 she made her debut with Havinck, a novel about the lack of depth in relationships. The novel was favourably received. Her approach to prose is simple and realistic, describing reality in a businesslike and ironic style. This also applies to her novel De Feniks. Een familiekroniek (The phoenix. A family chronicle) (1985), however differing from Havinck, this story of three generations is not told in chronological order. In 1989 her novel De Lichtjager (The Lighthunter) was published. Her novels are about the inability to understand the nearest and dearest to us. In her most recent novel Casino (2004) Marja Brouwers illustrates the delusions of the consumer society of the last decennium, in which economic and sexual standards keep on shifting.

(WIN 2005)

Archive available for: Marja Brouwers

  • Winternachten 2006 – WINTERNACHT 1

    In search of the independent mind - part 3

    The evening closes with a discussion between all the participants of the search. Perhaps from this they can come to some conclusions as to how independent thinking can be protected. And last but not least Samuel Beckett's vision on human thinking: actor Paul Röttger plays Lucky's monologue from Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot. Michaël Zeeman chairs the discussion. Dutch spoken.

  • Winternachten 2006 – WINTERNACHT 1

    In search of the independent mind - part 1

    Do they still exist, the independent thinkers, the non-conformists? Are they still given some elbow-room in our shrinking world? The South African writer Breyten Breytenbach provides us with a manual of do's and don'ts to help us preserve our independent mind. Together with the writers Herman Franke and Marja Brouwers he goes in search of our present day heroes of the mind. Michaël Zeeman chairs this search. Dutch spoken.