Louk de la Rive Box

(1942) was co-founder and treasurer of the Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development. He studied sociology at the University of Amsterdam and in the United States where he took his Ph.D. in the Columbia University. In 1972 he ruturned to The Netherlands and worked for the section Non-Western Agricultural Sociology of the University Wageningen. From 1989 to 1993 he worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the department development cooperation. Box was director of the European Centre for Development Policy Management from 1993 to 2000. In 2000 he became professor of International cooperation at the University of Maastricht, and in 2005 he succeeded professor Opschoor as rector of the Institute of Social Studies.
(ISS 2006)Archive available for: Louk de la Rive Box
Living Apart Together - Education and multiculturalism in The Netherlands
With: Fouad Laroui, Frank Martinus Arion, James Cummins, Louk de la Rive Box
The second in a series of three panel discussions on the future of a multicultural Dutch society. The Dutch educational situation will be the topic of this evening's discussion. The Dutch education system is starting to experience problems brought about by changing population dynamics. Is the current situation of education in the Netherlands sufficiently geared to our multicultural future? Writer and educational reformer Frank Martinus Arion (Curaçao), professor Jim Cummins (Canada), renowned for his studies in minority education, and professor in International Cooperation Louk de la Rive Box (The Netherlands) search for three commandments for successful education in a Dutch future multicultural society. The moderator of this evening is Dutch/Moroccan writer Fouad Laroui. The panel discussion is in English.
The World Speakers series brings together prominent minds from the worlds of science and art. It is jointly organized by the Institute of Social Studies and Winternachten.
Tickets: Korzo theater, Prinsestraat 21, Den Haag - 070 3637540 - www.korzo.nl
New Iconoclasms - debate
With: Ellen Ombre, Fouad Laroui, H.J.A. Hofland, Laetitia van den Assum, Louk de la Rive Box, Mai Ghoussoub, Paul Schnabel
Cultural identity in an international perspective. A panel discussion in co-operation with the Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development. The existing image and identity of The Netherlands are no longer valid, or at least incomplete. In its conference 'Roses in the Desert' on 6 September 2002, the Prince Claus Fund put the question of identity of The Netherlands on the agenda. Holland, also as a part of Europe, looks back on a history of citizenship and democratic values. A history that promises an analytic and critical role in world-wide international and intercultural debates. It seems to be too modest in this respect though, merely passing over ideas from elsewhere. Dutch spoken.