Khalid Boudou
(Tamsamane, Morocco, 1974) has lived in Tiel for most of his life. which he consequently calls Tiel Aviv. He won the El Hizjra Literature Prize in 1998 with the story Stemmendans (Dance of the Voices). His first novel Het schnitzelparadijs (Schnitzel paradise) appeared in 2001. In this astonishing debut the lifes of young Moroccans in the Netherlands are meticulously descibed. In 2002 Boudou won the 'Gouden Ezelsoor' prize with this novel. It has been translated into Italian, English and German. The film-rights have already been sold. Khalid Boudou was editor-in-chief of the Moroccan youth magazine ATARIK.NL, and now works as a columnist for the Algemeen Dagblad (Dutch national newspaper).
Source: Vassallucci, 2002.
Archive available for: Khalid Boudou
The clones of god
Forty years ago the famous words 'I had a dream' made a lot of impression. Nowadays, if we are to believe the advertisements, the question 'beer?' appeals more to the imagination. Who makes what is bent straight asked Ecclesiastes and we with him. Writers Khalid Boudou and Gerrit Komrij - now as clones of god - exchange letters to one another on the question of what a future world should look like. An exchange of letters on stage. Directed by Carel Alphenaar.
Poetry in performance, stand-up comedy and storytelling
South African stand-up comedian Soli Philander was master of ceremonies in a programme in the theatre foyer with performing poets and storytellers. With Louise Wondel (Surinamese poet/performer, writing in Aukan, the language of the Marrons) and De jonge Marokkanen (The Young Moroccans), as writers Abdelkader Benali, Rashid Novaire and Khalid Boudou called themselves. The Algerian/Dutch actor/storyteller Hakim Traïdia told Arabic stories.