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Kester Freriks

Kester Freriks
Kester Freriks

(Jakarta, 1954) debuted in Hollands Maandblad with several stories that ended up in the collection Grand Hotel Lembang (1979). He is working on a biography of Maria Dermoût at the moment. Since 1981 he writes reviews about drama and literature for NRC Handelsblad. In 1998 his collection of stories Eeuwig Indië (Eternal Indies) appeared.

Archive available for: Kester Freriks

  • Winternachten 1999 – Winternacht 2

    East-Indian Anthologists

    Oost-Indische Inkt is the title of anthology of Dutch East-Indian literature. It was published in 1998. Anthologist Alfred Birney discussed the choices he made, from Multatuli to Marion Bloem. He spoke to Michaël Zeeman and Kester Freriks, writer and critic. Freriks invited two 'Indian' writers: Aya Zikken (whose work was part of the anthology), and Jill Stolk, whose work is not represented in the anthology. Both writers read from their work.