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Kees Snoek

Kees Snoek tijdens Winternachten 2003 - foto Serge Ligtenberg
Kees Snoek tijdens Winternachten 2003 - foto Serge Ligtenberg

No English text available

(1952, Dordrecht) studeerde Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. Vervolgens doceerde hij dit in verschillende landen. Snoek woonde van 1982 tot 1990 in Indonesië. Van zijn hand verschenen vertalingen van de Indonesische schrijvers Sitor Situmorang (poëzie en korte verhalen) en Rendra (poëzie). Een nieuwe bloemlezing uit Sitors poëzie met Nederlandse vertaling verschijnt in het najaar van 2003. Momenteel werkt hij aan de voltooiing van de biografie van schrijver E. du Perron.
WIN 2002

Archive available for: Kees Snoek

  • Winternachten 2003 – Winternacht 1

    Indonesian poetry from Bali and Jakarta

    Two young femal poets, from Bali and Jakarta. Writing poetry in Indonesia is almost a political act nowadays. Rieke Diah Pitaloka wrote a poem on the bomb-attack in Bali. Oka Rusmini lives on this island. A strong political engagement speaks from her work. A discussion on their poetry and their ideas on the future of Indonesia.

  • Winternachten 2003 – Winternacht 1

    Indonesian picture of Holland

    In present day Indonesia the past ages of Dutch rule hardly matter any more. But the collected poems by Zeffry Alkatiri bear the title 'From Batavia to Jakarta 1619-1999' and novelist and screenplay-writer Remy Sylado uses the last days of the Dutch colonialism as the setting for his historical novel Ca-Bau-Kan. Need one say more?

  • Tournee NL 2003

    KIT Tropentheater - Indonesia evening

    With: Kees Snoek, Oka Rusmini, Remy Sylado, Rieke Diah Pitaloka, Zeffry Alkatiri

    An evening with four of the five Indonesian guests of Winternachten. The young Balinese poet Oka Rusmini, poetress and actress Rieke Diah Pitaloka from Jakarta, bestselling author Remy Sylado and the poet Zeffry Alkatiri. An evening on the inevitable social engagement of writers and poets in Indonesia. Moderated by Kees Snoek. Indonesian spoken. Dutch translations.

    Tickets: 020 5688500 or

  • Winternachten 2001 – Winternacht 1

    Indonesia programme

    This programme included a talk between the writer Jan Eijkelboom and his young Indonesian colleague Joni Ariadinata. It was for the first time that this talented writer travelled outside of Java. The programme was presented by Kees Snoek, a leading specialist on Indonesian literature.

  • Winternachten 2000 – Winternacht 1

    Indonesia: Writers of Freedom

    Writer/journalist Goenawan Mohamad; Ayu Utami, a young writer who with her first bestseller novel broke sexual taboos, and Sitok Srengenge, a performing poet from Jakarta. He travelled Aceh and East Timor and reported of his experiences in his poems. Just like three years ago at the Winternachten festival, Sitok Srengenge made an impressive performance. Hosted by Kees Snoek. English/Indonesian spoken.

  • Winternachten 2000 – Winternacht 1

    Indonesia and East Timor: Poetry in Exile

    Abe Barreto Soares, East-Timorese resistance-poet; Hersri and Agam Wispi, Indonesian poets in exile in The Netherlands met their fellow-countrymen from Indonesia, poets Goenawan Mohamad and Sitok Srengenge. Kees Snoek was hosting the poets. The five guests also read some of their poems. English/Indonesian spoken.

  • Winternachten 2000 – Winternacht 1

    New opportunities for Indonesia

    Writer/journalist Goenawan Mohamad, one of the most prominent freedom-activists, talked to Kees Snoek on the position of poets and writers in his country. English spoken.