Katinka van Heeren

is member of the Indonesian Mediations Project that, as part of a larger KNAW Project of Indonesia in Transition, conducts research on media in a Post Suharto environment. She wrote her MA thesis at Leiden University comparing two Indonesian films embodying strategies and discourses of cultural re-traditionalization and de-traditionalization in the frame of modern Indonesian socio-political developments and identity policies. Affiliated to the NWS and Leiden University she currently is writing her PhD thesis on contemporary Indonesian film.
Archive available for: Katinka van Heeren
Art Deco(lonization)
With: Katinka van Heeren, Wim Manuhutu
From Batavia to Jakarta in art and history. The Dutch Institute for War Documentation (NIOD) and Winternachten presented a programme with poetry, prose, music and film on the most important period in the common history of Indonesia and the Netherlands: decolonization. A period in which major political upheavals rapidly succeeded each other. Artists from both countries expressed their individual experiences of the decolonization in poetry, prose and images. Old and young looked back in unison. Dutch spoken.
Film: Between Past and Present/ Diantara masa lalu dan masa sekarang
Old man Sastro Atmojo is still as militant as when he was a child. A memory of the independence fighters, between past and present, disillusionment and hope. An award winning short by Eddie Cahyono (Indonesia, 2001). Introduced by Katinka van Heeren.