Jos Janssen

(1953) is sonologist, gamelan musician and sound engineer. He studied electronic and computer music at the Institute for Sonology at the University of Utrecht. Janssen specializes in computersound synthesis and uses this technique in his compositions and radiophonic works. In his sonologic compositions there are three central elements: natural quality, rationality and emotionalism. The compositions are inspired by comparative philosophy, an amalgamation of western and eastern ways of thinking. That's why Janssen calls his works comparative electronic music. Janssen is fascinated by Javanese gamelan music. Between 1980 and 1986 he followed masterclasses in gendher (a gamelan instrument) at ASKI (Akademi Seni Karawitan Indonesia) in Solo (Java). In the work À la manière de Kulenty, composed on poems by Ajip Rosidi, Janssen combines gamelan with the western trumpet/tuba and electronic sounds. For more than thirty years Jos Janssen has been involved closely in Indonesian society and culture. With his musical activities Janssen wants to contribute to a new and self-confident Indonesia.
Archive available for: Jos Janssen
Sonologic landscape
Languages clash and mingle in the new country. Composer Jos Janssen put poems by the famous Sundanese author Ajip Rosidi to wonderful electronic sounds. The Sundanese journalist and editor Hawé Setiawan talked to Rosidi and the Sundanese/Dutch art historian Alit Djajasoebrata - who translated the poems into Dutch - about language, decolonisation and alienation of the mother tongue.