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Joko Pinurbo

Joko Pinurbo - Winternachten 2002 - foto Serge Ligtenberg
Joko Pinurbo - Winternachten 2002 - foto Serge Ligtenberg

(Sukabumi, West Java, 1962). After completing studies in Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, in 1987, he worked as a lecturer in the same college while working also for the cultural magazine Basis. Since 1999 he has been an editor for the manuscript bureau of the publishing house Gramedia. He is also a volunteer for several independent organizations that work for art and education (Yayasan Dinamika Edukasi Dasar, Senthong Seni Bangun Jiwa, Kedai Kebun). His recent book is Celana (1999). His manuscript of anthology, Di Bawah Kibaran Sarung won one of the prizes for best 1998-2000 poetry from the Jakarta Arts Council. In 1997 one of his essays won a prize from the litarary magazine Horison.
Source: Teater Utan Kayu 2001

Archive available for: Joko Pinurbo

  • Winternachten 2002 – Winternacht 1

    Poetry from Madura and Yogyakarta

    Zawawi Imron is one of the foremost poets/performers from Indonesia. He invariably manages to captivate his audience, thanks to the impressive performance of his epic poems. He lives on Madura, a small island east of Java.
    Joko Pinurbo (Yogyakarta) is a newcomer in Indonesian poetry, and in a short while he grew to become one of the most influential poets. His love poetry often has a light tone, which is supported by his special style of performing.
    Ayu Utami and Dorothea Rosa Herliany read from their work as well at the end of this Indonesian night. Indonesian/Dutch spoken.

  • Tournee NL 2002

    Winternachten Amsterdam

    With: Ayu Utami, D Zawawi Imron, Dorothea Rosa Herliany, Henk Maier, Joko Pinurbo

    An evening in the KIT Tropentheater with the four Indonesian guests of Winternachten. Professor Henk Maier talked to writers and poets of different generations on their work, on recent developments in Indonesian literature, the influence of the new liberties on literature, and the theme of 'passion and love'. Language: Indonesian/Dutch.

  • Tournee NL 2002

    Winternachten Tilburg

    With: Ed van Eeden, Frank Martinus Arion, Joko Pinurbo, Roland Colastica, Ronald Giphart

    "Many of the problems in the Antilles would be solved if men would understand more about female sexuality", says writer Frank Martinus Arion, famous for his novel Double Play. An evening in Bookshop Gianotten on passion and love in literature in Indonesia, the Netherlands, and the Antilles.