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Job Cohen

Job Cohen - foto Jos van Zetten
Job Cohen - foto Jos van Zetten

(Haarlem, NL, 1947) studied law in Groningen, founded the law faculty at the University of Maastricht, and later became its vice-chancellor. In 1993, he briefly held the position of Minister of Eductaion in the Lubbers III cabinet, then became a member of the Senate and Minister of Justice in the Kok II cabinet. In 2001 he took office as Mayor of Amsterdam, with the murder of Theo van Gogh as his blackest hour. Nine years later he was elected leader of the Labour Party, with strong support from its ranks. In 2010 he published his lectures and speeches under the title Binden (Bonds), with a foreword by Bas Heijne. After a tumultuous time he became disillusioned, stepping down as a political leader and member of parliament in early 2012. Cohen now holds positions such as chairman of the OBA's Supervisory Council, special lecturer at the University of Leiden, and chairman of the Foundation for Refugee Students. He grew up in a liberal Jewish family; his paternal grandparents perished in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. His father was vice-chancellor of the University of Leiden.


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