Jaber Fayad

(Syrië, 1989) takes part in Asko|Schönbergs K[h]AOS, an initiative of Asko|Schönberg that supports the musical and theatrical development of young musicians and artists. Jaber Fayad plays, among others, in interdisciplinary stage plays such as Salam by Noord-Nederlands Toneel, Club Guy & Roni en Asko|Schönberg. Before fleeing his country, he lived in Damascus where he studied Turkish, Arabic and Azerbaidjani music at the conservatory. He plays oud and also builds this instrument. Since 2015, Fayad lives in The Netherlands, where he quickly rebuilt his music activities. He performs, for example, regularly with his band Sirocco.
(WN2019)Archive available for: Jaber Fayad
Who Wants to Live Forever?
How did they express our (near) future in words or sound? In this literary and musical performance, seven festival authors each presented a new text or poem commissioned by Winternachten, with musical contributions by Syrian-born ud player Jaber Fayad. You saw and heard Ayelet Gundar-Goshen from Israel, HemelBesem from South Africa, Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi from Uganda, Arshia Sattar from India, Leni Zumas from the United States and, from The Netherlands, Auke Hulst and Aafke Romeijn. Their inspiration was the festival theme Who Wants to Live Forever? The authors performed in their mother tongue or writing language with simultaneous projection of the English and/or Dutch translations.