Izaline Calister

(Curaçao, 1969) is a singer-songwriter as well as a composer. In her compositions she intertwines the traditional music of her island of birth, Curaçao, with jazz. A speciality of Calister is that she is recognized internationally, while singing jazz in a minority language, Papiamento. On Curaçao she scored two number one hits with it. Calister came to the Netherlands when she was eighteen and studied singing at a conservatory. She performs with her own band, but frequently works with other groups and theatrical companies. Commissioned by Winternachten, she collected stories on the Dutch Antilles, Aruba, in South Africa, Indonesia, Suriname and the Netherlands, adapting them to music. Thus giving rise to a repertoire of sung stories about the spider Anansi, the legend of Borobudur and The Saleswoman of Stavoren, among others.
Archive available for: Izaline Calister
Music: Izaline Calister sings stories for a Winternacht
For two years, during tours with Winternachten, Curaçaon singer Izaline Calister collected stories on the Dutch Antilles, Aruba, South Africa, Indonesia and Surinam. But in the Netherlands too did she find old folk tales and legends which she put to music. Izaline Calister performed with this brand new repertoire. With Ed Verhoeff (guitar), Sven Happel (bass), and Roël Calister (percussion).
Spot en Satire: Gesprekken, voordrachten en muziek
With: Antoine de Kom, Asli Erdogan, Celestine Raalte, Ellen Ombre, Gerrit Komrij, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Peter Snyders, Putu Wijaya, Rappa, Youssouf Amine Elalamy
19:30 Inloop Band/ DJ
20:00 Opening avond Ingrid Ameraali
20:10 welkomstwoord slotavond Ingrid Ameraali
20:20 Debat over Satire en Spot Peter Snijders, Youssouf, Gerrit Komrij, Rappa, Ellen Ombre, Asli Erdogan, Discussieleider Jerry Egger
20:40 Voordracht Putu Widjaya
20:50 Voordracht Antoine de Kom
21:00 Optreden band Glenn Texeira and band
21:20 Pauze
21:40 Voordracht Celestine Raalte
22:00 Voordracht Rappa
22:10 Voordracht Rappa
22:20 Slotwoord Rielle Mardjo: Voorzitter Lit: Fest:
22:40 Optreden band Glenn Texeira and band/ DJ/Izaline Calister
Afsluiting Avond/ Nababbel -
With: Alakondre, Antoine de Kom, Asli Erdogan, Celestine Raalte, Ellen Ombre, Gerrit Komrij, Ingrid Ameraali, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Peter Snyders, Putu Wijaya, Rappa, Youssouf Amine Elalamy
19:30 Inloop Alakondreband
20:00 Opening festival
20:10 Welkomstwoord door organisaties Stichting Literair Festival Suriname en Stichting Winternachten
20:20 Kennismaking auteurs met Publiek
20:30 Voordracht Ellen Ombre
20:40 Voordracht Peter Snijders
20:50 Voordracht Rappa
21:00 Optreden band Izaline Calister
21:20 Pauze
21:40 Voordracht Youssouf Amine Elalamy
21:50 Voordracht Antoine de Kom
22:00 Voordacht Putu Widjaya
22:10 Optreden band Izaline Calister
22:30 Optreden band Izaline Calister
Afsluiting Avond/ Nababbel DJ -
Optreden voor studenten IOL/Universiteit en scholieren VWO
With: Antoine de Kom, Asli Erdogan, Celestine Raalte, Gerrit Komrij, Ingrid Ameraali, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Peter Snyders, Putu Wijaya, Skwala, Youssouf Amine Elalamy
Aula Institute for Graduate & Research Studies (IGRS)
(Programma bestemd voor studenten IOL/Universiteit en VWO)9:30 Inloop DJ
10:00 Introductie en Welkomstwoord Kennismaking Auteurs met publiek Auteurs
10:10 Ingrid Ameerali, MC
10:20 Voordracht antoine de kom
10:30 Voordracht Asli Erdogan
10:40 Voordracht Celestine raalte
10:50 Izaline Calister
11:05 Voordracht
11:15 Voordracht Youssouf Amine Elalamy
11:25 Voordracht Celestine Raalte
11:35 Voordacht Rap band /DJ
11:45 Voordracht Jit Narain
11:55 Voordracht Putu Wijaya
12:05 Voordracht Gerrit Komrij
12:10 Q & A met Jerry Egger
12:45 Einde -
Krusa Laman - Villa Maria Curaçao
With: Boy Dap, Gabeba Baderoon, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Nukila Amal, Ramsey Nasr, Roland Colastica, Sonia Garmers
An evening with storytelling, music and poetry by Gabeba Baderoon from South Africa, Ramsey Nasr from The Netherlands, Jit Narain from Suriname and Nukila Amal from Indonesia. From Curaçao there will be performances of singer/composer Boy Dap, novelists and poets Sonia Garmers and Joseph (Jopi) Hart, novelist Erich Zielinski and the actress and performer Jennifer Martis. The Curaçao/Dutch singer Izaline Calister sings stories put to music from Curaçao and The Netherlands. She will be accompanied by the percussionist Pernell Luciano Saturnino from Curaçao and the Dutch guitarist Edvard Verhoef. Actor and writer Roland Colastica from Curaçao is the MC of this multifacetted literary and musical evening.
Krusa Laman - Bonaire
With: Annie Francees, Frans Booi, Gabeba Baderoon, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Monica Clarinda, Nukila Amal, Ramsey Nasr, Roland Colastica
An evening with storytelling, music and poetry by Gabeba Baderoon from South Africa, Ramsey Nasr from The Netherlands, Jit Narain from Suriname and Nukila Amal from Indonesia. Authors Frans booi, Monica Clarinda and Annie Francis from Bonaire will read from their work. The Curaçao/Dutch singer Izaline Calister sings stories put to music from Curaçao and The Netherlands. She will be accompanied by the percussionist Pernell Luciano Saturnino from Curaçao and the Dutch guitarist Edvard Verhoef. Actor and writer Roland Colastica from Curaçao is the MC of this multifacetted literary evening.
Crusa Lama - Aruba
With: Ernesto Rosenstand, Frank Williams, Gabeba Baderoon, Hubert Booi, Ito Tromp, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Nukila Amal, Ramsey Nasr, Roland Colastica
An evening with storytelling, music and poetry by Gabeba Baderoon from South Africa, Ramsey Nasr from The Netherlands, Jit Narain from Suriname and Nukila Amal from Indonesia. The Aruban writers and storytellers Ernesto Rosenstand and Hubert Booi will be interviewd by Ito Tromp. Another Aruban writer, Frank Williams, will read from his work. The Curaçao/Dutch singer Izaline Calister sings stories put to music from Curaçao and The Netherlands. She will be accompanied by the percussionist Pernell Luciano Saturnino from Curaçao and the Dutch guitarist Edvard Verhoef. Actor and writer Roland Colastica uit Curaçao is the MC of this multifacetted literary evening.
Crossing the Seas - Sint Maarten II
With: Clara Reyes, Gabeba Baderoon, Izaline Calister, Joseph Maccow, Lenworth Wilson, Leon Noel, Marisha Carty, Ramsey Nasr, Rhea Courtar
An evening with storytelling, music and poetry by Gabeba Baderoon from South Africa, Ramsey Nasr from The Netherlands, from Sint Maarten the storytellers Jozef Makou and Leon Noel and the group of poets called The Young Poets Society. De Curaçao/Dutch singer Izaline Calister sings stories put to music from Curaçao and The Netherlands. She will be accompanied by the percussionist Pernell Luciano Saturnino from Curaçao and the Dutch guitarist Edvard Verhoef. Clara Reyes is the MC of this multifacetted literary evening.
Izaline Calister - sung stories
We often hear poems being sung, but a sung story is less obvious. Jazz star Izaline Calister from Curaçao tries nevertheless. The stories she knows from her youth fit wonderfully in her compositions. In the years to come Izaline will travel round the world with Winternachten in order to go in search of stories from other countries during the overseas editions of the festival. She started her worldtrip tonight in The Hague.
Indian slide, Curaçao singing and West African ballads
Debashish Bhattacharya is one of the most famous Indian musicians playing on a western acoustic guitar. With his trio he gave an impressive concert of virtuoso Bengali music. Izaline Calister (Curaçao) made the audience dance with her Antillian jazz band. According to the tradition of the griot, in which the ballad singers and storytellers mix current affairs with music, Limanya played traditional West African songs. In this foyer programme there were also performances by the Surinamese Emau Combo. At the end of the evening the audience danced on the hindu pop music of the twelve-men Hindustani band Soundtronics.