Inge Heremans

(Belgium, 1971) a.k.a. Inge Liesbeth Alfonsina Heremans (ILAH) studied applied graphics in Leuven. She had a child at a young age and went on to sudy philosophy after all. When she was 25 she had her first big success with the comic strip figure Cordelia. Since then her comic strip Cordelia has appeared in De Morgen. In it she especially ridicules the often laborious relationship between males and females. Meanwhile Uitgeverij Oogachtend has published ten collections of her Cordelia comic strips. Since 2007 she is also the spiritual mother of Mira in Flair, a somewhat younger version of Cordelia, with similar problems. Mira has been published in albums too. Cordelia has kept pace with her in terms of growth and has two children, just like Inge. As a fulltime strip cartoonist ILAH, as one of few women, belongs to the young Flemish strip cartoon guild. In 2001 and 2002 Cordelia appeared in the Algemeen Dagblad on a daily basis for a few months.
Archive available for: Inge Heremans
Comics and taboos
Time to put the comic strip in the picture! Comic strip reviewer Peter Breedveld talks to Inge Heremans (Ilah), who breaks taboos with her cartoon Cordelia, and Peter Milligan, scriptwriter of X-Men, Batman and Hellblazer, among others, who succeeds in calling attention to controversial issues through popular comics and reaching an audience of millions.