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Ineke Riem

Ineke Riem - foto Erik Smits
Ineke Riem - foto Erik Smits

(Oudenhoorn, NL, 1980) was nominated for the Academy Literature Prize and the Libris Literature Prize for her first novel Zeven pogingen om een geliefde te wekken (Seven Attempts to Wake a Lover). This debut won the Dioraphte Youth Literature Prize, the Golden Owl, and the Prize for Best-Packaged Book. It is about Lioba, an eccentric and unhappy girl who grows up as a semi-orphan with her grandfather in the fictional village of Oudering op Voorne-Putten. When she is found unconscious one day, all kinds of stories make the rounds. The writer herself created the cover and inside illustrations. Like her protagonist, Riem grew up on the islands of South Holland. She studied Dutch in Groningen and London, and one year of Image and Text at Amsterdam's Rietveld Academy. She worked as a Dutch teacher for six years and leads poetry workshops for children and youths. Her poetry debut Alle zeeën zijn geduldig (All Seas are Patient) will be published in 2015.

(WU 15 GR)

Archive available for: Ineke Riem

  • Winternachten 2015 – FRIDAY NIGHT UNLIMITED

    Friday Night Wintercafé: Who's Afraid of Youth

    During this first hour, MC Francis Broekhuijsen presents students from the Hague secondary schools reading their poems, the outcome of a series of school workshops. They perform with poet Ineke Riem.