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Unom en Hylke - foto Virgil Westhout
Unom en Hylke - foto Virgil Westhout

performs sporadically with performer UNOM. Their first joint stage experience was with the poets' collective Poetry Circle. Then the two lost sight of each other, but when they met again Hylke took the guitar and they jammed away. Short films of these sessions can be seen on youtube. Meanwhile a year has gone by and they will have their initiation as a duo during Winternachten.


Archive available for: Hylke

  • Winternachten 2010 – Winternachten 1

    Wintercafé 4: Rules for Radicals 2.0

    Nowadays, where does an angry artist leave his rage and criticism? In 'Rules for Radicals' we search for a pragmatic manual for the making of harmful literature, street noise and bombs for the national canon. Which are the new strategies for today's artists? In this programme we propose a new form of radicalism. The artist should penetrate the system as a sheep in wolves' clothes in order to eat the codes and replace them with others. No overt opposition, but infiltration. The good example: The Yes Men, with their 'identity correction'. The Yes Men disguise themselves as big criminals with the objective to humiliate them publicly. And who are these criminals? CEOs and representatives of big companies who put profit above everything else. In Dutch. See also the movie that is shown in advance of this programme: The Yes Men Fix the World. In English (Dutch subtitles).

  • Winternachten 2010 – Winternachten 1

    Wintercafé 3: Istanbul and the Cosmopolitan Future

    Where borders disappear, people draw new lines. Cosmopolitan cities, where many different people and cultures meet, give fertile ground to new artistic twilight zones. In an exchange programme between Amsterdam, Antwerp and Istanbul, writers look for the similarities, differences and developments of urban cultures. The Turkish writers Şeray Sahiner and Uğur Ziya Şimşek are now 'in residence' in Amsterdam. They will talk about Istanbul as a cosmopolitan transition area, about new borders, old laws and about which cultural dimensions they discover in The Netherlands. In Dutch

  • Winternachten 2010 – Winternachten 1

    Wintercafé 2: Who is afraid of Youth?

    Pupils of two secondary schools in The Hague climb the stage and recite poems they've written. In the last few months poet Els Moors came to their classes and read poetry with them. Tonight Moors reads with pupils from the Rijswijks Lyceum and Scholengroep Johan de Witt. Host: Soundos. In Dutch

  • Winternachten 2010 – Winternachten 1

    Wintercafé 1: Godless in Morocco

    A programme on rule breaking heart and soul: Berber writer Mohamed Choukri from Morocco. In his autobiographical novel For Bread Alone (1973) he wrote about everything God had forbidden; his youth as a vagabond in Tangier, where he survived in a world of violence, prostitution, alcohol and drugs. When in 1973 For Bread Alone appeared in English, Tennessee Williams called it 'a true document of human desperation, shattering in its impact.' Morocco banned the book until 2000, three years before Choukri's death. Three Moroccan writers talk about the meaning of Choukri for them today: the poet Ali Amazigh, who learned to write in later life, just like Choukri, and who is now writing a confession novel; Naima Albdiouni whose debut novel Voyeur (2008) is also set in Tangier, and columnist Mohammed Benzakour, who, like Choukri, seeks controversy and pursues it. Host: Asis Aynan.