Herman Franke

(1948-2010) studied sociology at the University of Amsterdam. After years of being a prominent criminologist, he turned to literature, which he considers to be a small step: 'Writers are criminals', wrote Franke in the newspaper Trouw (2000), referring to the moral freedom that writers permit themselves. In 1992 he made his debut with the novel Weg van loze dromen (Road of idle dreams). For his novel De verbeelding (The imagination) Franke was awarded the Generale Bank Literatuur prize, presently known as the AKO Literatuurprijs. He regularly writes for newspapers literary magazines, including a fortnightly column for the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant. In 2004 a collection of his columns was published, entitled Waarom vrouwen betere lezers zijn (Why women are better readers). A year earlier he published his extensive novel Wolfstonen (Wolves tones) and in 2004 the collection of ultra-short stories Notulen (Minutes). Franke regularly exchanges the cherished solitude of his study with public appearances. Herman Franke died in 2010.
(WIN 2004)Archive available for: Herman Franke
In search of the independent mind - part 3
The evening closes with a discussion between all the participants of the search. Perhaps from this they can come to some conclusions as to how independent thinking can be protected. And last but not least Samuel Beckett's vision on human thinking: actor Paul Röttger plays Lucky's monologue from Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot. Michaël Zeeman chairs the discussion. Dutch spoken.
In search of the independent mind - part 1
Do they still exist, the independent thinkers, the non-conformists? Are they still given some elbow-room in our shrinking world? The South African writer Breyten Breytenbach provides us with a manual of do's and don'ts to help us preserve our independent mind. Together with the writers Herman Franke and Marja Brouwers he goes in search of our present day heroes of the mind. Michaël Zeeman chairs this search. Dutch spoken.
Sermonizing: Herman Franke
Whether they are social or cultural values, Herman Franke eradicates every kind of superficiality every two weeks in his column in De Volkskrant. Whether it is the lack of literary programmes on television, the mass hysteria that emerged after the assasination of Pim Fortuyn, Franke knows how to tackle these issues in an intelligent and humoristic way. Will that be the same with his sermon for Winternachten?
Blind with one's eyes open
A discussion with writers Bas Heijne and Herman Franke, moderated by Michaël Zeeman. On the failure of Dutch intellectuals to foresee or understand last year's developments in politics.